View Full Version : Three day crisis and counting.

17-04-09, 02:16
I'm currently petrified. For the past three days I've been feeling lighteaded/dizzy, I feel like I can't concentrate, everything in my head feels cloudy. And this has been going on for three days. I think I'm delusional because I sort of feel like I can't identify what's real because my brain is so hazy. I don't know what it is I was thinking thyrotoxic crisis. My symptoms seem to match those so well. But I can't really go see a doctor due to lack of health insurance.
I'm breaking down so bad right now. There's nothing I can do, now I'm really starting to think I'll never get out of this weird feeling.

17-04-09, 02:48
hi Amamdal i have the same feelings it is really awful
the more you worry about it the worse you feel .So try and do some musle relaxation and breathing exercise it helps Most of all try not to worry
hope this helps
thinking of you shaka x

17-04-09, 03:39
Shaka hun don't worry yourself sweetheart I've had these symtoms everyday, last week was a lot worse I didn't no what I was doing, I was putting my phone down and then couldn't find it I was so confused. But it will pass just like everything else.
Hope you feel better soon.

17-04-09, 15:08
Here are my thoughts. I don't know what thyrotoxic crisis is but I am guessing you had to google long and hard to come up with it. Right there is our first problem. We feel our bodies making noise and then we have so much access to info that we are able to diagnose ourselves with something horrible. I bought a book a while back called "It is not all in your head" by Asmundson (sp?). It has helped me a lot. I still suffer from episodes like what you are going through but they are fewer and farther between. I have found that during the worst times, I go out and watch a movie especially something funny. I do make sure to read the previews to make sure it isn't a medical movie or that it doesn't deal with one character having an illness. But a few hours escaping with a movie and some popcorn away from my house and my access to a computer seems to help me out. Good luck, and know what we are here for you.


17-04-09, 21:12
You guys are all right. I think I need to just calm down until I see a doctor, and find out if something is really wrong. Easier said than done, but I'm sure I can do it.

17-04-09, 21:29
Amanda I am feeling the same right now it's not dizzyness but like the feeling you get when uve been in bed for a few days and you get up and move around for the first time. I too feel like I should go to the doctor for piece of mind just dread them telling me the worst so I'm scared to go x