View Full Version : in a bad way

17-04-09, 08:12
I cant sleep. Ive had really heightened anxiety for last week and its got pretty bad now. I am imagining all sorts of things wrong with me, mostly liver disease as i was told my doc at Christmas my liver enzymes were slightly raised. i know i drink too much wine sometimes. i had felt itchy on left side of tummy, under ribs for a few months and didnt know why,then read that itchy skin is a sign of liver disease so now i am up the walls with fear. I dont know what other symptoms are coz im afraid to google. i cant sleep because of the worry, and dont want to talk to anyone because they will think im nuts. i am having problems all week with boyfriend and dont know if thats what is causing my anxiety to be worse or what.

17-04-09, 10:01
i also dont know what liver problems are i am sorry, but i do know that itching when i have bad anxiety i get a rash on my left hand between my pointing finger and thumb which had to be scabbies then i get it at my coller bone dont know what that could be. liver is an organ that can mend itself i think? so dont drink too much red wine. lol