View Full Version : Recently found out I have GAD

17-04-09, 10:04
Hi everyone

Not sure were to start just going to write down my experience to see if anyone had been through the same here goes!!!

Ive just starting taking meds for my GAD which my phyciatrist has put my on which is Pregabalin and escitalopram for the last 2 weeks but I find they are making feel worse I have got Diazepram for when I get worse but they dont seem to make an effect.

Before I was diagnosed with GAD I was on Citalopram and they made me lose it completely so Im so worried about taking these tablets!!

Whats happened to me in the last year has been extreme Ive have gone from convincing myself that there was someone in my house going to kill me to seeing people outside my house coming to get me!!

I worry about everything

Missing the bin men
War breaking out and my husband going to fight and being killed
People coming into the house to kill us
Being sacked from work from time I take off work because of my GAD
People thinking im crazy
Paranoid people are talking about me

I also get very irritable and ive started drinking alot to cope which its making it alot worse!!!

These are just a small amount just wanted to see if anyone has the same problems so I dont feel alone .

Thanks for taking time to read this !!

17-04-09, 15:46
Hi ArticAngel,

Welcome to the site. It takes more than two weeks for the meds to kick in and you do feel worse before you feel better so hang in there with them. The most difficult thing about anxiety is living with the "what ifs". I also worry about everything and it is mostly when I am not living in the present tense. I bet it is the same with you too. It also sounds like you may suffer with paranoia a bit too. Are you able to talk to your psychiatrist at all? Medication always works best with counseling. When you are in a panic state try deep breathing to calm yourself down and talk yourself into the present tense, not the future. Your husband is not in a war, you do have a job, etc., etc. You might also want to find ways to distract yourself when these feelings happen. I would also find ways to help yourself relax. I find warm baths help me as well as the scent of lavender. I also like to read. What works for me might not work for you. Find your way.

In my opinion, you should try and either stop drinking or at least cut back as it is a depressant and doesn't help with anxiety at all. It can make it even worse and doesn't mix well with anti-depressants.

I do hope you feel better soon and hope the site helps. You will be able to go into the chat room in 5 days from signing up and you will meet many members in there. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get their support. If I can help in any way, please let me know.

Take care,


17-04-09, 22:16

I have to agree with everything that Southern Belle has posted and please have a look around the site you will find lots of very good information.

18-04-09, 00:56
Welcome! I am sorry that your here, but glad you have found us because you will feel SO SO much better reading all of the posts. My anxiety started as GAD. I was scared of:
flying, hubby going 2 die in car crash, me going to die, house burning down, house getting broken into...etc. They put me on Lexapro and all I did was throw up and sleep...had to stop that crap. I was on Buspirone for a while but did not really see a difference. Now I take nothing but a nice deep breath. This site helps a lot...I am addicted to it and spend lots of time reading others posts...then I do not feel alone.
Here is a piece of advice: my GAD began to cause physical symptoms and I made the mistake of going on google....now I also have health anxiety. If you ever begin to have physical symptoms that you have never had, come here and search them in the forum instead of scaring yourself on google.
Goodluck and try to relax :)

18-04-09, 11:12
I was diagnosed with GAD about 3 years ago after having post natal depression that never went away and got worse. I remember going on holiay with inlaws and kids in a caravan in the middle of nowhere and spent every night panicking and having nightmares that someone was going to get in and kill us all, I was terrified and dare not tell anyone as I thought I was going mad. I also had physical symptoms such as nervous tummy, headaches, panics, hot flushes, dizziness, jelly legs, exhaustion, and terrible feelings that I wasn't really there that I was watching my life go by. Anyway I was pleased to get a diagnosis as I thought I was going mad which made me panic more. I have been on venlafaxine 75mg for 2 or 3 years now and it is great, I do gets night sweats and have put some weight on but it stopped the consant 'what ifs' going round and round my head.
I have also had counselling using CBT as most of it stems back to my mum dying suddenly when I was 18. My main fears are of dying and my kids suffering like I did loosing their mum.
I too have health anxiety and worry so much about food poisioning that I over check sell by dates and don't eat anything suspect like sea food or chicken.
I have a link worker who I contact when I feel really bad but I cope quite well with my family's support and my beloved dogs who are there for me to cuddle and walk when I need them.
Hope you feel the effects of this medication soon I tried prosac and citalipram before these so stick with it you will find one that works for you. Take each day as it comes and try and get outdoor exercise such as walking every day it really helps. Take care and feel free to ask me anything, by the way I am 41 married with 2 kids. Bye. Nic:hugs:

18-04-09, 11:34
Hiya and welcome to the forums

I was diagnosed with GAD 2 years ago and am the same as you. I worry about everything which makes me feel sick then I worry I'm going to be sick which then makes my GAD worse, it's a never ending cycle. I've tried about 5 different meds so far and haven't found any that work for GAD (apparantly hard to treat with medication). I'm on a waiting list for CBT but again I worry that won't work as I've read a lot of negative things about it.

Good luck with the medication you are on, give it time to work as they do work for a lot of people (can take upto 4 weeks to start to notice a difference from meds) . It may not be the right med for you as it's hard to find the right one sometimes but you will get there.