View Full Version : Question For Those Who Are Revovering

17-04-09, 10:59
How long will this stay?

I'm well on the road to recovery after CBT and reading other self help books etc. I am in control of my anxiety although I still get some symptoms, I have learned to accept them and they no longer get me down or bother me too much.

I just don't like the tingling and pins and needles in my face and sometimes on my back. I usually don't let it bother me but sometimes it just gets annoying and then I loose my temper with it and as you probably have guessed it gets worse.

I know that giving it thought is giving it power but I still haven't learned to keep my mind of the sensation.

Anyhow my question is to those who are on the road to recovery, Do you still get the pins and needles/tingling in the face or has it stopped??

If it has stopped then how have you managed it?

17-04-09, 16:41
Hi there,
I dont have an answer but I thought I'd just reply to say that I feel in the same 'phase' as you are.

I have come to terms with my 'illness', and to a degree, have learnt to live with it and although I would love to put a date on when I may be 'normal' again, I have decided not to put that pressure on myself.

For me, knowing that I have recognised my condition is enough for now. I live with it and mainly control its symptoms and in that I believe it will slowly begin to diminish as my experience of it grows.

Hell, I might even miss it when its gone :D


17-04-09, 18:52
Hi :)
I am beginning to think that for me anyway, that anxiety will always be a part of my life, and I just have to learn how to deal with it, if it goes away - great - but if it doesnt I will just deal will it and carry on as I am not allowing it to ruin my life.
I am so much better now but I do get tingling a lot in my cheeks and also in my legs, when I am getting anxious. I usually get those signs before a panic attack too. If I get really stressed the tingling starts.
I find that the calmer you can remain the more the tingling goes away - getting stressed about it makes it worse. Its due to over sensitised nerves caused by the anxiety apparently according to my therapist and the calmer we remain the more the nerves can repair themselves.
I find CBT and reading everything self help that I can lay my hands on really does help.
Hopefully in time as our anxiety fades, and as we learn to cope with it more effectively, the tingling/pins & needles sensations will go :yesyes:

17-04-09, 20:58
I definitely agree there that anxiety will always be, for some of us at least, part of our lives. I've been so annoyed the past week that it's started to get a hold of me again. The past few days have been so up and down, this evening I've been feeling like I was right back where I was a few months ago, I even felt a few dp feelings creep in, tingling face, headaches, feeling distant, wanting to cry. It's so so annoying!

But, I just have to try to stay calm, deal with whatever is getting me down and anxious again, from scratch if I have to, and it will fade.

And the same with you, it might never completely go, or it might be gone tomorrow morning and you'll never have to consider it again for the rest of your life.

The key is, to be completely aware of what it is, to know how to control it, and then whether you feel symptoms now and then, you have a few days where they're really digging their claws into you, or you find yourself completely free of any symptoms, it doesn't matter, you're leading a great quality of life regardless.

Vanilla Sky
17-04-09, 21:28
I know for me anyway i think i will always have some symptoms, the best way to deal with it is accept it is anxiety, accept it may happen from time to time, don't allow yourself to get drawn into it, then move on. That is how i cope.You have to find your own way you are comfortable with and you will, Good luck Love Paige x

17-04-09, 21:46
I totally agree with you Rich and Paige.:)
I also think that the more experience we get with dealing with our anxieties the better we have at dealing with them when they strike.
Hopefully our anxieties will fade as we get older but even if they dont we are doing everything we can to help ourselves and not giving in :yesyes:
I always remind myself that even though having anxiety is awful and can make us feel terrible at times, that there are a lot worse things to have too.