View Full Version : Can stress have a permanent effect on your eyes?

17-04-09, 14:43
My eyes always feel dull, tired out of focus and have been like this for a couple of months is this permanent?
Sometimes i think that maybe i am concentrating on my eyes all the time maybe they are feeling normal by now but i cant see it. Duno what to think lol

I feel like everything is glowing and it frustates me extremely.:shrug:

17-04-09, 15:04
My eyes feel like this pretty much all day every day, and they have done for nearly a year, also get some ache between my eyes above my nose

17-04-09, 16:41
I had that problem last year. Turned out I needed new glasses and that a medicine I used against diabetes had some side effects which affected my eyes...
But yes; your eyes can get that way from stress. I always see better and have less eyestrain when I` m not depressed..

House fan
17-04-09, 17:25
Hi Shaunyboi

When your nerves are under constant tension, they have an uncanny ability to trick us, as you know. There are over 40,000 nerves in the eye, so is it any wonder that our eyesight gets affected too?

Lots of people complain about 'sore' eyes, some have a problem with 'floaters', strange little objects or spots which appear especially in bright weather. More and more people complain about things being out of focus for a while, and they get anxious because they think they are going blind, or have something seriously wrong, like a 'brain tumour', but I can assure you that this is not the case.

A constantly stressed nervous system brings on these symptoms. If you are in any doubt, why don't you go and get them tested, but I would bet my bottom dollar that the vision problems you are experiencing are nothing more than exhausted nerves.


Ps. And it is not permanent, please don't worry!

17-04-09, 17:37
Thank you so much House fan could not have been put any better!

17-04-09, 17:42
Thanks House fan, I admit I have been worried about my own eyesight even though my optician said my eyes are fine. Some medications can also cause blurred vision or other vision problems.

17-04-09, 21:24
House Fan you hit the nail on the head I feel like that lately that things far away are a bit fuzzy and I see those floaters whenever I leave the office orhiuse and go outside x

17-04-09, 22:25

i am crying, i love you, oh my god, how very well described, i'm not dying!!!!
