View Full Version : got a cyst/lump like thing under cheek skin

17-04-09, 14:59
hey guys im wrried tht i myt hav oral cancer
i got a small cyst under my cheek skin
it was like a hidden pimple but
the skin above turned brown and hasn disppeared for 2 weeks
any tips or advices??

17-04-09, 15:09
Hi Kid,

Sorry that I am confused but is it on the outside or inside of your cheek?


17-04-09, 15:12
its outside my cheek on my face
but its under the skin
thanks laura


17-04-09, 15:26
Hi Austin,

Okay. Well I had a pimple that I thought was a pimple that was a cyst. I was getting a facial and that is how I found out it was a cyst. The lady actually took a syringe and either drained it or put something in it, I wasn't sure as I only saw the needle coming at me. She said if you have a pimple on your face for more than two weeks it is a cyst. It had been on my face for two weeks. Odd thing is the next morning it was almost gone! I think you need to go see your doctor or if you can a dermatologist and they can look at it. Mine was also under the skin and didn't have a head on it like a pimple would. (Sorry to be gross but just have to be truthful here). It was like a hard lump. Now, mine did not turn brown on the outside. Don't know what that is about. Regardless, you can give it another week or go on and see your doctor. I don't think that cancer grows that fast though. If you go see your doctor and it is a cyst they can do what they did to me and at least you won't be worried anymore. Good luck and let me know how it went you can pm me. Try not to worry!

Best wishes,


17-04-09, 15:31
thankkss laura
much appreciated and i think it turned brown cause i squeezed it
i think ill go and see a doctor and i m jus wrried tht it might turn out to be a cancer lump!silly me but thanks for the reassurance
and mine doesnt hav a head like other pimples do too
ill giv it a week and get it checked out =]
thanks again laura

17-04-09, 15:34
You are most welcome and remember try not to worry and let me know how it goes.

Laura xxx