View Full Version : Panic Attack/Anxiety

17-04-09, 15:28

Im new to this site,and have joined because last week I had my first panic attack.

Basically 3 months ago I went to hospital with a "suspected pulmanry blood clot". I spent the night in hospital, but after a CT scan it was found there was no clot. I was told the chest pains I had were maybe a warning (I was 18st 2LB). So since then I have got my weight down to 16ST 11LB, cut down on food intake/alcohol, and now exercise everyday!

All seemed to be going well until last Sunday. I was out with my children at the park (having a great time), when all of a sudden I got a sharp pain in my head. Then I went al hot, felt short of breath (even though I wasnt), had pins and needles, and literally felt like I was goin to die. Had the doctors got it wrong? Was there a problem with my heart. Or even worse did I have a clot in the brain.

I had to get home (the drive home was horrible). Once home I was in a real state. I couldnt sit down. I couldnt stand up. I wanted to go bed. I didnt want to go bed. I needed to get outside. I needed to come inside. I felt hopeless, the end was nigh....

The feeling lasted the next 6 hours (to various levels), until I went bed. It then took me hours to drop off. Everytime I was about to go into sleep, I woke up panicking that I couldnt breath. It was all so real. Could this of been down to me drinking alcohol the night before?

Since then I havnt had another panic attach, but have has a constant "pressure" type headache. And every now and then I get another sharp shooting pain in my head.

I have been my General Practicioner, and all my blood tests are clear, along with an ECG and blood pressure.

Do I have Anxiety/Panic attacks, or could this be worse?

Any help would be appreciated.

17-04-09, 19:33
Hi Makaveli , Welcome to NMP , Really good news that you did not have a pulmanry blood clot and congratulations for managing to lose weight, eating healthly and exercising everyday is indeed a big step to good health . I think you should go back to your doctor and explain this as i think it was Anxiety n panic and its better you get reassurance from a practioner, Anxiety and Panic are frightening especially first attacks ask your doctor for counselling and i would obstain from alcohol for the time being, you will get alot of help and support from NMP members too Welcome best wishes, dusky x

17-04-09, 21:02
Thanks everyone.

I have just returned from Doctors, and he says it is definatly a panic attack. He says the constant headache is a "pressure headache". He has prescribed me 28 tablets (1 per night) called Amitriptyline Hydrochloride (25mg). He said these will make me tired but should sort out the headaches.

Has anyone else had these?

Again thanks for all the support!:yesyes:

17-04-09, 22:49
Hello Macaveli, Thats good you returned to your doctor ,i dont know about your medication but im sure your doctor will be correct , hope they help , theirs a bit about meds on the menu here too , have a look best wishes dusky x

18-04-09, 01:29
Hi Macaveli,

Welcome to NMP. I have never been on those particular meds but do suffer from headaches although they are migraines. Anxiety can make yours and mine much worse. You will find a lot of support here and I am glad you found us.

Do take care,


19-04-09, 09:36
Thanks for all the support. Its weird, but I feel quite good today.

20-04-09, 22:22
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, loads of good advice on here, take care xx