View Full Version : Is this dizziness really anxiety?

17-04-09, 18:51
Hi everyone, opinions welsome on this as I am so confused with all these symptoms at the moment. I am sufering with constant dizziness. 6 weeks now everyday, headrushes and lightheadedness. Not spinning vertigo, but off balance and giddy, ears feel full and keep popping. I am no doubt anxious and have suffered some panic attacks as a result and generally doctors and everyone else seems to think its anxiety. Question is, I am only anxious because of the damned dizziness! It came out of the blue and obviously my anxiety kicked in and it got worse and worse. Does anxiety related dizziness work like this? If the dizziness went I wouldn't be so anxious. Its not like I get anxious and then I feel dizzy, if you know what I mean. Any help anyone?

17-04-09, 19:04
My anxiety started because I felt dizzy but I do think that being anxious causes it. Conusing I know. Its all the nerves in your head that become sensetive and make you giddy. I also have a bad ear, all blocked, had it checked by my GP who is now sending my to ENT at the hospital. I hope you feel better soon. Sharon x

17-04-09, 20:16
hey mate! i am Exactly the same. And i mean exactly. Look at my thread for Constant de-realisation and other threads for this and see if its this. The room doesnt spin but its a really awquad feeling if im right. its the kind of dizziness where things dont look real and sometimes its hard to concentrate? do i seem right? outside can be harder too? if so, it will go in time apparently, its meant to be one of those things that anxiety does to you. some people it takes 2 weeks some people a month some people 3 months but it will go. I hate the feeling coz like you i know that u can never ignore it because its always their. best thing ive heard to do is just to try and except it.

Like you again i this is my main reason for panic attacks i hate it when i go to the toilet and it looks like the floor is popping out at me or slowly moving and things dont seem really their , it causes me to panic. you just need to relax. Have you noticed that when u first wake up on a morning for the first 5 mins its never as bad till u start thinking bout it ;).

Think its a matter of getting used to it and not worrying anymore then ur anxiety go's about it and it all calms down.

Love to hear more peoples views

17-04-09, 20:29
p.s .... your eyes feel really heavy for most parts when it gets really bad too? sorry for all this, but if all these symptons sound like your dont worry. ive had it for 2 weeks now...but i learn to except things pretty quick.....the more i seem to except it, the more it seems to be going slowly but surely, sometimes it can come out of nowhere really bad and i always have this feeling constantly. but last 2 days ive been feeling alot more like being able to go out the house to try and see people while keeping relaxed. :)

17-04-09, 20:42
hi mate i have the same as you had it for months now the room dont spin or anything and i dont go realy dizzy to me it feels like im just dizzy or something for a second i notice then it goes then my health anx kicks in and im back at docs lol buy its the body symtoms that start me off i dont fell stressted till i get them

17-04-09, 21:27
Oh thanks guys for the replies! It does sound so similar to your experiences. Yes things do look odd at times and sometimes stuff moves out of the corner of my eye! The dizziness comes in sudden waves sometimes, like little earthquakes in my head, but go after a few seconds, then I feel panicky and get lightheaded! My vision is odd too. My eyes feel so tired and its really hard to keep things in focus, like I want to keep my eyes closed all the time!

I a trying to keep calm, lots of relaxation exercises and rescue remedy, but then I get scared that it is more than anxiety and off I go again!

Oh and Lawton, I am fine at first in the morning, just like you said for 10 mins or so then it all starts up again.

Thanks for your help everyone. Its really s**te isn't it? X

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Vanilla Sky
17-04-09, 21:40
I think you should go back to your GP and explain that you feel they will automatically tell you your anxious. Ask if you can have a refferal to ear , nose and throat clinic, assuming you dont get checked at the surgery and even if you do and they say nothing is wrong , you are entitled to ask for a second opinion. I had an inner ear infection last year and had terrible dizziness that made me anxious. Go get an eye exam as well . Paige x

17-04-09, 22:22
Thanks Paige, I am seeing a neurologist tomorrow, only because I demanded to see a specialist. The doc said he didn't think it was necessary and that I should take some relaxation classes! If the neuro doesn't help I will ask to see ENT as well just to rule out other things. One doctor told me that this type of non true vertigo (non spinning vertigo) is almost always caused by anxiety. What happened with your ear infection? Did they give you treatment, how long before you stopped feeling dizzy? I have tried stemetil and scopolomine and betahistine but nothing helped.

20-04-09, 14:58
http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=symptoms)
You feel suddenly light-headed, woozy or dizzy. This is sometimes accompanied by a feeling that you might faint or pass out. It also may feel as though you are walking on a boat, or that the floor seems to move up and down and it's hard to balance. You may also have difficulty placing your feet because your perception of the ground or floor may be wrong. In some cases it may seem that even though you are standing on a firm floor, the floor may be vibrating or moving.

This is a very common feeling that most sufferers get. It’s usually as a result of hyperventilation but also of intense fear and the adrenalin hit.
I suffer lots of giddiness /light headed / head full of cotton wool etc etc
--- i found this site quite interesting:blush:
Hope it helps
Best wishes

20-04-09, 20:41
This is a new symtom of mine, it has to be the most worring symtom I have had in the past 9 years but I'm going to see my doctor this week to see if it is anxiety etc.


20-04-09, 22:58
this is what kicked me off the dizzy spells thinking I was going to pass out then it escalates what if I pass out and never wake up its the classic start of it for me, I wonder if I had never had these dizzy spells would I never have had anxiety which in turn made me depressed and so o

I suppose in retrospect its a bit nlike demanding the answer to the chicken and egg question answers on a postcard please!

At this time I feel very reasssured that everyone else feels like this but I also feel a bit sad as I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

Love to you all


25-04-09, 21:01
Hi everyone, opinions welsome on this as I am so confused with all these symptoms at the moment. I am sufering with constant dizziness. 6 weeks now everyday, headrushes and lightheadedness. Not spinning vertigo, but off balance and giddy, ears feel full and keep popping. I am no doubt anxious and have suffered some panic attacks as a result and generally doctors and everyone else seems to think its anxiety. Question is, I am only anxious because of the damned dizziness! It came out of the blue and obviously my anxiety kicked in and it got worse and worse. Does anxiety related dizziness work like this? If the dizziness went I wouldn't be so anxious. Its not like I get anxious and then I feel dizzy, if you know what I mean. Any help anyone?

yes, that is how my major anxiety started when I started getting really sick. The dizzyness scared me. I control mine.look staight on and try and make yourself not dizzy and it really works after a while. I feel like when my eyes relax too much the become dizzy because I loose control of my body.

26-04-09, 03:09
how to stop this dzines it spoil all the goodness in life HELP

26-04-09, 07:55
Take a look at my threads, your description is identicle to mine, very worring etc.

28-04-09, 06:08
Take a look at my threads, your description is identicle to mine, very worring etc.

dizzyness was my main symptom until it moved to my back. Don't worry.. you can control with your mind it trust me. Don't be worried because it doesn't hurt you