View Full Version : I'm Anna

17-04-09, 19:20

I'm Anna, i'm 24 years old and originally english, but i have lived in Norway since i was 5. My life is seemely great, i have a high education, lot's of friends, lovely boyfriend and so on, but i don't feel great. I think i suffer from health anxiety, or well i know i do. I would like to talk to people who suffer from the same. Sometimes i get completely convinced that i am sick, it depends on my mood. For a year ago i was almost convinced i had cancer beacuse of all the "syptoms", but it was only a product of anxiety. No i am afraid of (oh my god i don't even want to write the word) Schizophrenia.. If i hear of psychotic people on the news or hear friends talk about "crazy" people i just can't listen, i get so afraid. with the story: my father was diagnozed with Sciz. in the 70's but now they don't believe it was that. They think he had more of a breakdown, and he had suffered from strong epilepsi from he was a child. I can never remember him as sick, he had a family, job and friends. So i dont understand what i am afraid of when it comes to that. I have had a very hard upbringing with alot of unstability,alcohol, physical and psychological abuse but i have always felt strong. I was exhausted last summer after studying (needed straight A to get into my masterprogram) and got a panic attack, after that i have had alot of anxiety. Can anyone relate to mye health anxiety? I know why i have anxiety, but i get soo convinced, and when im in a good mood i cant understand that i really believed i was sick..

"If you always do what you always did, you always get what you always got"

18-04-09, 01:27
Hi Anna,

Welcome to NMP. I think many were misdiagnosed before and did not have Schizophrenia like they thought. You will find that many here can relate to how you are feeling and you will get their support.

Take care,
