View Full Version : It goes then comes back

17-04-09, 19:51
Well I was fine for a good year or so but lately the symptoms have started to come back and this time they all just feel worse.

Symptoms of suddenly feeling hot and tingly, tingling fingers/hands/arms/body, feel like I can't breathe, heart palpitations, dizziness, upset stomach and just generally not feeling right.

Don't get me wrong I don't get these symptoms every day of my life but at least 1 or 2 every day, sometimes 3.

Today I got the worst heart flutter/skip I've ever had and it scared the life out of me and I've not stopped thinking about it.

Why does this happen to us? It's really not nice, even when I'm really comfortable sitting indoors I get them....:weep:

Oh well I'm glad I'm not alone is all I will say, how is everyone else doing?

17-04-09, 22:08

I get the same and used to worry about why it can go away and then come back, for what would seem like no reason. I just put it down to our systems going through cycles or phases (whether that is right or not I don't know). That phase can be affected by so many things, such as workload, your environment, diet, mind set and so on. It is a case of getting these in balance in order to minimise any adverse effects.

17-04-09, 23:24
That's pretty good advice and thought there.

It's just crazy how for over a year I didn't have one symptom and now they've come back I feel like I'm back to square one not wanting to drive too far or go out etc.

Not really what I want :(

18-04-09, 00:44
A year without symptoms is GREAT! I know you are not happy they are back but the good news is that you went a year without them and now you know what they are so you should not be as scared. I notice that this all gets easier for me the more I know...then when my chest feels tight, like it does today, I don't worry about cancer, I know it is my anxiety. Try to stay positive and as they say...this too shall pass.

18-04-09, 08:26
I started sufferring with anxiety about 3 years ago. At first it was constant, from the moment I woke until I managed to sleep. Then I had little cracks of normality of about 5 mins here and there which grew wider.... I think of it like someone throwing a stone in a pond, the ripples grow smaller and further apart. Perhaps once you have gotten over this episode you wont have another for a couple of years.

Vanilla Sky
18-04-09, 09:24
Hi David, Don't let this blip set you back. For a while i had the worst palpitations, throat ones that made me feel dizzy, that seems to have stopped although i had one last week, if i had been obsessed about them like i was last year i could have let myself go back down again, but i just thought its only a palpitation i had them before and nothing happened. I think as anxiety sufferers we have to accept that we may get times when symptoms do happen, its maybe our bodys way of telling us we need eg more sleep or more water etc. As your replies above say, the episodes do get further and further apart and you now know it is anxiety, thats a big part of the problem when you first get it, your not convinced and you have to go through all the doctors visits , all the tests and referalls untill some time on you realise that you dont have an illness , you didnt die ! Look on it for what it truly was , a blip and move on, get out there and enjoy life hon Love Paige x

30-08-09, 11:46
Well 4 months on and it was very on/off but has been affecting my life again and now they're back in full swing.

Dizziness, eyes randomly watering and blurring for no reason, tingling fingers and hands, headaches, palpitations, feeling short of breath being unable to drive too far from home without having a full blown panic attack.

It's just horrible. I'm just so glad I'm not alone. My girlfriend doesn't seem to really understand it nor do my friends and my girlfriend's mum just thinks it's simply panicing like normal which I've tried to describe it's NOTHING like.

How do you explain this to someone as I have no idea all I know is I wish it would go away. :(

I hope everyone is still flying and fighting strong :)

30-08-09, 11:53

I just read through that as well and can safely say I have nearly every symptom. One I never related to my anxiety was the sudden mood changes and being on edge as I've never been able to identify why I'm like that but it seems it's all down to this anxiety and panic. :(

Perhaps I'll show my girlfriend the symptoms page and she might come to grips with me feeling like this and why I do.

30-08-09, 13:43
Hi David

it's hard for people to comprehend how awful this is...I just wish I was myself again. But we are not alone and we will recover sometime and unti we do....

A little hug from me to you
to make you smile when you feel blue
to make you happy when you're sad,
to let you know life ain't so bad.
Now I've given a hug to you,
somehow I feel much better too
hugs are better when they're shared.
Hope you have a good day
Thinking of you....


30-08-09, 18:40
hi david - i am on citalopram and been pretty much ok for 2 years but am now going through a rough patch - when i look back over the last 3 months or so i can now see it was building up to this - its usually stress with me - i am the kind of person that when they feel well - i rush about and never make time to wind down plus i have had a lot of money worries, quite a few other stresses (looked after a friends dog and parrot for 4 months - "nightmare!" when we have 3 dogs and other pets of our own in a tiny house plus my grandma died who i was very close to and i was with her on my own when she did. i bet if you look back you can see how stress or something has triggered your set back off. x

30-08-09, 19:44

i think you would be surprised to find that that "flutter" is a really a reaction to something your saying to yourself, wether you realise it or not! i used to unconsciously tell myself negative things, and this in turn started anxiety. i still do it , but atleast im not as bad as i used to be!!
hope you feel better soon

31-08-09, 11:20
hi david - i am on citalopram and been pretty much ok for 2 years but am now going through a rough patch - when i look back over the last 3 months or so i can now see it was building up to this - its usually stress with me - i am the kind of person that when they feel well - i rush about and never make time to wind down plus i have had a lot of money worries, quite a few other stresses (looked after a friends dog and parrot for 4 months - "nightmare!" when we have 3 dogs and other pets of our own in a tiny house plus my grandma died who i was very close to and i was with her on my own when she did. i bet if you look back you can see how stress or something has triggered your set back off. x

I too have mega money stresses and debts which really don't help. It must be all connected as I can't find my trigger as to what started it all with me.

Like today for instance I've woken up feeling dizzy with a headache and my little finger on my left hand is tingling :weep:

I hope one day this all goes away.

Oh and Chantelle thank you for the poem that was sweet :)