View Full Version : Pill stuck in throat?

18-04-09, 10:42
What are the chances of it been lodged in my throat?
I can talk fine, it just feels like it is still there.
It was levonelle (the morning after pill), as me and my partner had an accident. (sorry about this) and now im home alone and it feels like its stuck on my throat!!
Could this just be my anxiety playing up?! :weep:

I normally can't swallow any kinda of tablets, but this one isnt too big, its smaller than a paracetamol.

I think im just freaking out.. If it was stuck would it dissolve?

18-04-09, 10:55
Yes i get this sometimes too, the feeling that something is stuck and it's usually when I am anxious about something. Maybe you were anxious that you might be pregnant? I would just drink a few glasses of water and try and forget about it - it's bound to dissolve.:hugs:

18-04-09, 11:01
Thanks Jan63..
I dunno, i think it was the fact i'd never taken it before, and im normally scared to take new things incase of reactions etc.. (stupid i know)

And also i felt like a naughty child when i went to get it... I felt as though the pharmacist was judging me, looking me up and down. I honestly felt stupid. I was thinking I've been with my partner almost 2 year, this is the 1st accident we have had!! :(

I know there's not already a chance i could be pregnant, as we are always very safe, and this only happened 24hrs ago.


18-04-09, 11:44
Yes I think it's just a bit of anxiety and then when it sticks it panics us more. I can only take the tablets that are sugar coated or capsule shaped or else I get that feeling they have stuck in my throat too.:unsure:

How are you feeling now?

18-04-09, 12:36
It would be impossible for a pill to stick in the throat for any length of time, it would just dissolve.

It will be your anxiety playing you up, so try not to worry about it :D


18-04-09, 13:31
I agree with Kate... I am familiar with those tablets (oops) and they are tiny and most certainly wouldn't get stuck in your throat. If by any chance it did it would disolve very very quickly.. Try not to worry xx