View Full Version : what do i do?? ran out!

18-04-09, 11:03
I forgot to pick my prescription up yesterday, and i had a tiny bit of citro left ive took that, but what do i do for tommorow??
worried sick :unsure:

18-04-09, 11:25
Call the out of hours doctor and get some more.

They will probably tell you off but never mind lol

18-04-09, 12:52
Hi Bubblefiz! if you go to the same chemist every time to get your perscription ,they might as mine has done ,give you enough until Monday,as long as you take a new perscription in . Suex

18-04-09, 13:46
if you cant get to your regular chemist, take your empty pack to any chemist and they can give you enough til monday (when i had to do that they did charge me a ridiculous amount for just a few days supply but nvm)

18-04-09, 20:47
Hi, don't worry too much, withdrawal side effects probably won't affect you immediately and even if they do, they should disappear when you start taking citalopram again.

I doubt the citalopram that is already in your system will "stop" working. Get an emergency prescription as soon as you can but stay cool, you'll be okay :)

18-04-09, 21:51
hi angle, try the emergency / out of hours dr for a script. If you don't I think you'll panic love x

19-04-09, 12:06
im struggling, ive rung the out of hours doc and they can do anything till tommorow!!!

19-04-09, 14:07
Thats disgusting. I'd make an emergency appt! Do you know anyone who has some you can take? Would a pharmacist help you out? Try nhs direct ? Wish you lived near Id give you a pill of mine! X

20-04-09, 08:34
Aww thanks sara, its now monday morning just picked my scription up need to get it into the chemist all before my son goes school (i cant do it on my own) i feel REALLY panicky its awful
ive never wanted a scription so much in my entire life lol

20-04-09, 09:09
hope you get on ok angie. My anx and panic are terrible too at mo. Look after yourself x

20-04-09, 11:45
How are u sara?? are u as bad as the other week?
ive took the medicine now :)

20-04-09, 15:02
hi bubblefizz, glad you got your meds sorted what dose did you eventually settle on, haven't heard from you in a while lucy x