View Full Version : Prescription mix up

18-04-09, 12:13
Im on Citalopram 10mg,I ran out my Other half took repeat presription slip to docs on Thursday.He`s just come back to get it from chemist,the doc has made a cock up and given me Sertraline 50mg(which I was on about 2 years ago).I didnt have any Citalopram yesterday as OH couldnt pick up for me,so I guess I cant do anything now till docs open on monday.I was just wondering if I feel panicky or dodgy at all would I be ok to take 10-20mg of Valium(which I can get from friend)

18-04-09, 12:22
Hi moon thats a shame about mix up and remember it will still be in your system for a few days so hopefully you should be ok until monday.
if you get a few valium off friend then why not take half of one if you do get bad as i would if in same circumstance.
make then 10 2 5,s then if you feel really panicky you know you have something to calm you down.
i know there not perscribed to you and all that and you might not need them at all but i dont see any reason why not.
take it easy ..finn

18-04-09, 12:26
contact emergency dr or nhs direct and get a prescription for citalopram. Don't have a break ... You will feel it x

18-04-09, 12:32
Thanks finny,Ill do that cos if I start feeling bad Valium will help,Ive had a CT scan recently for a lump in my neck,and I have an appt at hospital soon to see what it is,so im obsessing over that too,and I made the big mistake of consulting Dr Google:blush::wacko:

18-04-09, 12:37
contact emergency dr or nhs direct and get a prescription for citalopram. Don't have a break ... You will feel it x

Dunno what to do now:blush:I`ll see how I get on call out doc as last resort.

21-04-09, 20:29
only just seen this and hope my reply can help.

the exact same thing happened to me a few weeks ago. ordered citalopram 10mg on repeat prescription, partner picked it up and they'd given me a prescription for fluoxetine 20mg which i was on a year ago. anyway, to sort it out:
ring gp phone number, if out of hrs you get an answerphone telling you the emergency doctors number, call that, explain whats happened and they will give you an appointment within a couple of hours of the call. the doc there can prescribe around a weeks worth of the drug you need.

please dont try to do without, its not worth it.:hugs: