View Full Version : Tottally interupting life now!!!!

18-04-09, 14:46
ARRGGHHH getting wound up now!

Just tried going for a meal with the family at a local pub...managed it (but with alot of hardwork) for about 40 mins but then had to come home as i thought i was going to go into another panic attack!

The most annoying thing is, its because when i go somewhere the derealisation gets soo much worse, feels like the carpets are wobbling and the walls are moving and it was really bright which made me see alot of eye floaters and generally felt really detached from the world.

I know im not the only one suffering this and i know that it will go. but its really starting to do my head in. Doctor has gave me Diazepam to calm me down in these situatiions, altho they do work as they are a strong tranquilizer, they make me feel like more of a moon man.

at 22 this is soo wrong. i know im meant to not let it take over but when i feel like im gunna pass out it has to be time to leave. I am getting out once or twice a day tho and trying my best...just hope it go's soon.

18-04-09, 16:33
Hi Lawton,

Sorry you aren't feel well but on the positive side you managed to stay out in the pub for 40 minutes, well done! Perhaps you could take half of the prescribed diazepam? Call and ask, then maybe it wouldn't be so strong but would still relax you. Bright lights bother me too, also loud noises. Maybe you can wear sunglasses, I know it may seem odd but it is better than a panic attack. When you go out you must be prepared, have sunglasses ready, your diazepam (correct dose that you can handle), I've heard that rescue spray is good (can't get it over here that I know of, they sell it on NMP shop). Also, remember deep breaths are always good when you start to go off on a panic.

I know this may sound like a really weird idea but I used it last time I flew and I'm terrified of flying. I put a rubber band around my wrist and when I felt like I was going to lose it I snapped it on my wrist. The pain made me focus on my wrist and not that I thought the plane was going down. Just a thought!

Hope you feel better soon.


18-04-09, 16:44
I too think you succeeded, you went you stayed 40 minutes, that's brilliant!

Argh yes the derealisation, my first and worst symptom. I thought I was going to die from it. I still get it but now it doesn't worry me as much and by not letting it make me so anxious it soon goes away again :D

Keep getting out there and doing small things everyday. You are doing fine!


18-04-09, 16:51
hi kate, at the moment the de-realisation is kinda keeping me housebound. i go out atleast twice a day but find it so hard as when things start morphing into things and they dont look real and this then gets me panicy and i can feel my hands going numb, the de-realisation gets worse and its a big horrible cycle, it leaves me wanting to just sleep or going into a full panic attack. either are no good for any age, but especially 22.

kate how long it take u to get out of the de-realisation constant feeling if u dont mind me asking? :)

18-04-09, 17:09
It is the most horrible feeling isn't it. I was 19 when I had my first feelings of derealisation and I suppose it was fairly constant for a good number of months, unfortunately.

The horrible thing is that the more you feel odd the more you panic the more you feel odd, and so the circle continues.

I too continued to go out, even carried on working, even though I felt as if everything was carrying on around me and I wasn't part of it. Try your hardest not to let it stop you going out as, in time, you will be in danger of never leaving the house at all and to overcome this becomes a very big uphill struggle.

Have you been to your GP at all?


18-04-09, 17:30
yeh i have been to my GP 3-4 times in last two weeks. they have prescribed me vertigo tablets at first ( arrrrr) then anti depressents second time (citalopram) but i took one and it makde me feel awful, so i stopped. and now she has me on diazepam which i think is helping but im only on a low dosage and it doesnt help with the de-realisation. now i dont know if i up the dosage if the de-realisation feeling will go because i will feel so calm or if it will be worse and make me more spacey.

i think its more the floor and looking people that i hate about de-realisation. if its a busy floor patern it really does move to me constantly and when people talk to its asif im not in, if you get what i mean. lights on but no1s in. and the whole feeling like the world is bluring past me.

18-04-09, 23:28
I was prescribed Diazepam when I first sought help. Made me feel even odder, the DR was worse and I ended up with depression as well :ohmy:

I was given Citalopram a few months ago for my anxiety (seems to be THE anti depressant at the moment) but I decided not to take it as anti depressants have never helped with my anxiety at all.


19-04-09, 12:24

Im suffering with this at the moment again, well done on going out and staying out for 40 mins.

citalopram can make u feel weird at first but after few weeks it settles down.

they worked great for me when i was first suffering.

Like Kate said, the more u worry bout it, the more it happens. Its very hard not to though

love mandie x