View Full Version : needing help!

18-04-09, 15:54
where do i start my panic attacks have got progressivly worse and i'm now leaving in constant anxiety, and now am fast on my way to being housebound. the depression has hit hard and i find my safe sat here at rock bottom, i'm trying desperatly to look after my one yr old but struggling big time, my partner has just walked out after screaming at me yet again for refusing to go out he doesnt realise i can't. the biggest thing that is keeping me at rock bottom is i strongly belief that this is my life now and it will never get better a fact i cant live with how do i carry on.

18-04-09, 16:37
So sorry to see that things are bad for you at the moment :hugs:

Have you been to see your GP? You could actually be suffering with Post Natal Depression.

I've had panic/anx/depression for the past 25 yrs and still my husband is unsympathetic, still telling me to try to go places which I know will make me panic :mad:

Have you any other relative/friend that you could call on for support?


19-04-09, 03:51
The worst thing to do is to avoid places that you think will bring on an attack. Because that just feeds the fear and its all down hill from there.

In all honesty each one of us could climb Ben Nevis and we would be okay. Sure it would a nightmare but the truth is we could all do it because nothing is going to happen to us.

Our panics have nothing to do with where we are, we bring on the panic ourselves. We tell ourselves we cant do it even before we try.

Here is the choice

keep avoiding places and your world will shrink
You will stop seeing people
Your family friends partners will get annoyed (ok thats not fair)
Your life will be controlled with unrational thoughts
and you will have no real life


you start to fight this and take small steps to overcome it

19-04-09, 07:49
Purplehaze, I replied to your other thread and will once again say that you are spot on :D

I DO still avoid places, scared of the physical feelings of panic. The worst thing to do of course.


19-04-09, 08:18
Hi thereall i can recommended is that you go to your gp and explain everything, they will understand and offer you the advise needed dont just keep leaving as it could make situations worse. wish you the best of luck
big hug