View Full Version : New to the forum

18-04-09, 17:10
This site has been a great comfort. I have just gone on citalopram - 2 weeks in and have not been feeling too good. Increasing the dose to 20 mg tomorrow and hoping the side effects won't be too bad. I have had tingling and pins and needles and this is increasing the anxiety as I think this is something more serious. Mornings are the worst - the anxiety starts when I wake and I don't know what I am anxious about! Usually eases when I get up and have something to eat etc. I am going to stick with it as the general consensus seems to be that it will get better!

Thanks to everyone for the contributions - it really does help to know you are not alone. Take each day at a time.

18-04-09, 22:40
Hello and Welcome to NMP , I think it takes four to six weeks for antidepressants to kick in so bear with it , one day at a time , im happy to hear the NMP Site has been a comfort to you ,take care best wishes Dusky x :welcome:

18-04-09, 22:44
Hey Bluejeans,

I have been on Citalopram for almost 4 weeks and I know just what you mean about the side effects, they are the same as mine and a lot of people experience them. You will be glad to hear that they are dying down a lot now though, and I am feeling better each day, so hopefully you will too!

Take care, I am here if you want any advice!

Danny xxx

19-04-09, 11:33
Thank you guys - that makes me feel a lot better on this sunny Sunday morning!

20-04-09, 22:24
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, loads of good advice on here, take care xx

20-04-09, 23:11
Hello bluejeans17! :)

I'm about 3 weeks into Citalopram 20 mg, and can identify like others here.
I've noticed being extra tired (especially in the morning) and no appetite.

I too find myself panicking as soon as I wake in the morning. I really can't think why, as I panic before I have a chance to think anything! :D

21-04-09, 03:26
Hi Bluejeans,

Welcome to NMP. It always takes meds weeks to really make you feel better and everytime you increase a bit more time. Ultimately though I found they helped me along with counseling. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and will offer your their support.

Take care,
