View Full Version : Alcohol with GAD please post bk

18-04-09, 19:21
Hi does anyone find that they drink with there GAD to make them feel better!!!

As i have recently posted have had GAD for the last year or so but only just be diagnosed with it and started taking MEDs for it .

I used to drink quite alot making me alot worse then I seemed to calm down on the drinking. But latley as I have started taking meds I feel I am drinking a bit more again not as bad as before.

When I say drinking i mean 3 bottles of wine a week shared with My husband, I had a bad turn with it the other night made my GAD worse that night and the next day now my husband has made me stop drinking altogher am Im finding hard not to have a glass of wine when things get to much or just to relax .

Im not sure if its me i need to stop for my husband or that my husband doesnt understand my GAD Im so irritated with him when he tells me i cant have a glass of wine or a beer like when we went for dinner at my friends house we just end up being frosty with each other for the whole night

If anyone is having the same problem or has any advice please post back !!!

18-04-09, 21:30
Hi There,
Sorry i dont have any advice really... just wanted to reply and send you good wishes. I'm not really a drinker, because i'm a total control freak.. but i can see the appeal.. I think there was a similar post about drinking and anxiety on here very recently so have a search for it.

Lots of luck to you xx