View Full Version : Once One Thing's Gone I Just Find Something New...

18-04-09, 22:41
Hey all,

Just want some advice on this if anyone can help me as I haven't been able to see my counsellor for two weeks (due to Easter) and I am getting a bit fed up...

I seem to keep focusing on one worry at a time, and as soon as I have solved my current worry, a new one pops up it's ugly head and I transfix on that. Each worry can last anything from a few days to a few years, depending on what it is about.

I suffer from GAD and all the tag-alongs, and have done since before I can remember, and although I am on Citalopram now and am having a lot of good days, I am still finding that I am transfixing on one thing at a time. When i have resolved my worries, is there some way of stopping myself purposely hunting down something new? It is like I am looking for something specifically so I can worry, and it is driving me (and everyone I know!) up the wall!

Please help...

Danny :scared15:

19-04-09, 00:49
Yo Zuko!!

Don't worry, I've been battling the same problem for a week or so... just when I thought the citalopram was blanketing my worries and I was free to start dealing with my problems, WHAM! The anxiety adapted to my tricks and came at me from a different angle. Anxiety will find ways to creep round every defence you throw at it.

Anxiety is worse than the Borg.

I'm gonna keep fighting, I will let you know as soon as I find a tactic than anxiety cannot beat -- but since we're essentially fighting ourselves, this is going to be interesting!

19-04-09, 08:25
Hey Danny boy!

Snap snap snap!!!!!!!! I do the same and honestly I dont know how to stop it.....:mad:

For the last few days I just had to keep busy - yesterday I asked to go for a walk with my lovely man and then we met friends - voila no real probs at all.

This morning I got up and made bacon butties, put the dishwasher on and am trying to just keep busy!

But - the pesky worries keep coming and Im getting quite frustrated...Grrrr! They are for me stupid worries but they seem so real and its annoying me!!!!

I think we just have to give it that stupid thing called "time" - god Ive never hated that word so much as I have recently!!! Dam you time you fiend!!!

Im gonna try to have a busy day - I think busy days are the answer for me.

Hope you manage to keep them at bay today - give me a shout if you need me to :buttkick: you up the backside and help you to, as I say, "have a word" with yourself.

Have a lovely day

R xxx :)

19-04-09, 09:33
Hello Adam and Raine,

Cheers guys, I feel better now! You are so right both of you; it is still a battle with ourselves, which is why it is the hardest because it is constantly a stalemate, but at the end of the day we just need to give ourselves (or someone else needs to give us) the proverbial boot up the backside!

I am doing fine in general; I have beaten sooo much so far, I can beat this too. Like you said Raine, I just have to give it stupid 'ole time!

Thanks guys! Am smiling again now! :)

Danny xxx

19-04-09, 10:24
No probs Danny

Glad your smiling again - its rubbish but we can all get through this with (cliche) a little help from our friends.

Bit gutted you dont need the :buttkick: up the backside - Id polished my boots for the occasion! lol Ah well another time maybe! :D

Have a good day Mr

R x

19-04-09, 13:56
I could have written your first post!

I often feel that as soon as one worry is out of the way and finally over with, something else will happen, or ill think of something completely out of the blue and its another worry to transfix on for a few painful hours/days.

i hate anxiety so much, ive recently come off citalopram as im pregnant and to say i feel that i wasnt ready is an understatement, but i had to come off it. i think im just going to have to try and ride it out, as other than that im at a loss of what to do:shrug:

unfortunately i have no answers either, the only thing that works for me (not all the time, but often does) is rationalising the worry. also talking the worry through with my parents/partner when i cant rationalise it nearly always helps.

19-04-09, 19:06
Aw thank you all for your support!

It is so nice that people care and take the time to reply. Cheers you guys!

P.s. Raine, just so you know matey, I'm Danny the girl :P

19-04-09, 19:28
Hi Danny,

I totally relate to your post.. I cant remember when i didin't have something to worry about.. Its almost as if i consciously try to find something to test myself with at times! What are we like!? lol.. I've reframed it now though and say to myself, the more things I deal with the more strength i realise I have..


20-04-09, 14:34
Pretty much me exactly. I feel kind of like a target in a shooting gallery. Every time I start to feel better and stick my head back above the parapet, something knocks me flat on my back again. Daily, weekly, monthly there's always something. I'm coming to the conclusion that this is how I am and there's probably no cure except maybe age. If I'm lucky enough to reach my 70's or whatever, maybe I'll then relax and enjoy each day as it comes. Right now that seems a long way off, but I'm still trying. Exercise is my current thing. Instead of wallowing on the sofa at night, I go for a walk with a bit of jogging thrown in, then a session on my rowing machine. It seems to help, if only by making me too knackered to worry about anything...:huh:

21-04-09, 15:29
Ooops danny
Apologies for assuming your a boy :doh:

Never will it happen again ...lol

Hope your well

Raine x

ps Ive changed my user name :)

22-04-09, 23:57

I find that when I'm happy my brain also "hunts" for something to feel sorry about. It's such a pain in the rump. It always ends in me feeling like crap! Depression and anxiety need us to be in a state of constant pain and worry otherwise -- they're history! They know this so they make sure we are always looking on the dark side.

23-04-09, 10:37
Hi Danny

You have had some very nice replies. I would like to add.

I would like you to think about your core beliefs and to see that the reason one new worry surfaces after another seems to have abated is due to this factor. To uphold and justify this belief (your version of truth). It may be a fear of dying for instance or a percieved inability to cope with aspects of life in wellness. etc etc................ the worries are the symptom, the cause should be uncovered, a desire to 'live' needs to be stimulated.

I wish you the very best.


23-04-09, 11:10
Hello all,

Yes I have had some wonderful replies and I'd just like to say thank you all for being there! :yesyes: Don't know what I'd do without this site and the lovely people on it! (especially you Adamski, ta muchly! :D )

Thank you Mark, that is what I am trying to do at the minute. If I can squish the worry and break the cycle, then all will be better. I know what my fears are that make me worry, now it is just a case of training myself to stop it!

I am reading a book on overcoming anxiety at the minute which teaches you CBT. Hopefully I will be better soon.

Thanks again all!

Danny xxx

23-04-09, 11:22
Hi all..

Mark i agree with you entirely that "a desire to live needs to be stimulate"...

Also agree with a lot of other peoples ideas.. keeping busy for instance.

I think that accepting the worry is there and that all it is is a worry, a thought and that it can not harm you goes some way to reducing it to a mere whisper allowing you to recentre yourself and focus on more important things.... Like a naughty child, ignore the bad behaviour and reward the good ...

As Mark said " the cause should be uncovered" and that requires some deep soul searching and honesty with yourself...

I've said it before and il say it again... We are all warriors and we continue to be so....

We are not the first and we wont be the last ... This journey has been traveled by many.

Keep your chin up always...

and when you're worries take hold, think about what you would say to one of us if we were having that worry....

Keep smiling


23-04-09, 11:43
Hey goingmadder,

Thank you, what a lovely post! You have made me go all fuzzy! :)

There is some awesome advice right there. I will do my best to follow it.

You are so right, we are all warriors... and we are winning, too.

Take care all!

Danny xxx

23-04-09, 12:41
Hey danny,

Glad you liked it hun.

Feel free to PM anytime you like... to vent or to express a moment of joy....

Keep fighting the good fight : )


23-04-09, 12:51
Anxiety is DEFINITELY like the Borg. It can adapt to nearly everything you throw at it, but that doesn't mean you can't beat it. "The good guys always win in the end" :D

Remember anxiety wants to live, it is desperate to live, and it will do anything to hang on. You don't need it, you can ditch it, time and extensive practice will get you there!

23-04-09, 13:00
As the bgrg says "resistance is futile" but like Psycho Poet quite rightly says "it doesn't mean we can't beat it"

The borg was defeated by using a virus, reprograming separating them from the main frame (at least thats how i remember it) lol... The same can be said for anxiety... If we can reprogram ourselves, if we can implant a positive virus over time it will spread until out Automatic Negative Thoughts become fewer and further between and transform in to Automatic Positive Thoughts!
