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View Full Version : Painful Heal - plantar fascitis???

18-04-09, 23:07
Just to add to my pevious post of whats worrying me - a couple of days ago my right heal on the outer edge became very painful to walk on. I had been wearing an old pair of shoes as my only other pair has fallen apart and these old ones were all I had left until I can get shopping. So I think it was the old shoes that have caused it. I have today stopped wearing them am now wearing my best shoes:D until I can go shopping ( I live in depths of coutryside!).

I have had plantar fascitis before twice in my other foot but that was under my foot where heal joins under foot and also that got better the more I walked on it whereas this is horribly painful everytime I put my weight on it- it is also painful to press.

The last times I had plantar fascitis it took between 4-6 months to get beter:scared15: but it was nowhere as near painful as this one is.

Anyone any ideas??? Yes another problem to add to the list I want to ask my Dr about:weep:

19-04-09, 08:49
Hi Countrygirl, I don't know how old you are but I get the same as you if I change shoes. As we get older the skin on our feet/heels gets thinner and my heels feel bruised if I wear shoes that are not so padded on the sole. So it could well be just the fact that you have changed shoes that has caused this problem and it should be just a temporary pain. Maybe it would be an idea to buy some sponge or sheepskin insoles to put in any shoes you wear, it will also help with the plantar fasciitis. My partner suffers with plantar f. and I buy him shoes that have air in the shoe soles (not cheap from Clarkes but it helps him a lot). Hope this info helps.

19-04-09, 08:54
I dont know if this helps, but I hate getting new shoes and wear old shoes until they fall apart, the reason is new shoes always give me pain, not because they are tight but because , I guess, we wll walk differently, and the shoes takes the correct form over time for your walk, so new shoes, for me at least, always take time to bed in. Not sure if that helps but thought I would sahre it.

19-04-09, 09:05
Just to add to my pevious post of whats worrying me - a couple of days ago my right heal on the outer edge became very painful to walk on. I had been wearing an old pair of shoes as my only other pair has fallen apart and these old ones were all I had left until I can get shopping. So I think it was the old shoes that have caused it. I have today stopped wearing them am now wearing my best shoes:D until I can go shopping ( I live in depths of coutryside!).

I have had plantar fascitis before twice in my other foot but that was under my foot where heal joins under foot and also that got better the more I walked on it whereas this is horribly painful everytime I put my weight on it- it is also painful to press.

The last times I had plantar fascitis it took between 4-6 months to get beter:scared15: but it was nowhere as near painful as this one is.

Anyone any ideas??? Yes another problem to add to the list I want to ask my Dr about:weep:

I had plantar fascitis many years ago it was absolute agony. I had physio, and insoles made for my shoes. After suffering hell for over two years with it the surgeon decided to operate on my foot and I was in hospital for a week and on crutches for three months. Even now I get twinges in that foot.

Because I was walking over to my left hand side for so long I got the same problem in that foot thank goodness it only took a couple of months to improve. Perhaps this is what you have.

19-04-09, 10:29
Hi there

I get the painful heels too with certain shoes, I'm thinking of investing in a pair of fitflops as I read in a Sunday newspaper last week that they can be good for foot problems. I will keep you posted,
Take care

Elaine x