View Full Version : Re: Health anxiety

19-04-09, 00:02
:weep: Hi, I am new to this site, and thank goodness i have found it. I'm worried about the acking in my legs and ankles, exspecially around the back of my knees. It started a week ago, front pelvic then to bottom of back, then moved down buttocks and legs. To scared to go to the Doctor, in case he says oh anxiety, because, I have suffered with anxiety for years. My job is stressful, and this acking has come since I have started a 2 week holiday. Has anyone else, ever had acking limbs with anxiety. Have been very anxious last two months. Doctor told me my bloodpressure high, due to be checked again, but to scared to go, hasnt reached medication level yet, next time I go for a check and should of started my no smoking pack but I havent yet another reason for avoiding the doctors.:huh:

Veronica H
19-04-09, 08:13
:welcome: To NMP. Glad you have found us. You will find comfort and support here. Many of us have had similar pains caused by anxiety, but it is always wise to get the diagnosis from your Dr first.


19-04-09, 20:49
Hello and welcome to NMP, you will find plenty help and advice , best wishes Dusky x:welcome:

20-04-09, 01:08
Many thanks to you all for replying. Guess what I got myself out of the house today in the sun, and the ackes went, how strange! my partner stated it was nervous engergy, if it comes again, I will get it checked by the doctor, could be bad circulation or something! I do suffer with bad anxiety had it on and off since 1994, still go to work and look after my family, I finished a degree last year, raised my two step sons and my daughter. One of my step sons has recently joined army college, he went back today, sad, get use to having him home again and then its time for him to go back. Start work tom. find my job very stressful, work with children. Anxiety in me comes out in some strange ways, I have had the panic attacks lessoned over the years, manage to control them, but I always still have this deep general anxiety, very frightened of illnesses and health issues. It has worsened since I lost three members of my family one very close to me, with cancer. Just feel frightened all the time of life, can be cripling disease anxiety, horrible!

Sorry to empty out all my emotions, just nice to tell people who can relate to this anxiety thing!

Many Thanks

20-04-09, 01:12

20-04-09, 22:30
Hi there and :welcome: to the site, loads of good advice and support on here, take care xx

21-04-09, 03:20
Hi Sunflower,

Welcome to NMP. Glad you are feeling better. I do believe that when you legs ache stretching them will help. I would go back to the doctor to get your high bloodpressure checked out though, you don't want to mess around with that and just tell the doc you will try to stop the smoking when you can.

Take care,
