View Full Version : will it ever go away!!!!

19-04-09, 10:26
i am so sorry to post again about this stupid fissure!!!

i have been on gtn cream 6 weeks tomorrow and after 3weeks of not a spot of blood after bm its back!i literally cant take this anymore am even on anti ds now :(

i have seen a specialist and had a rigid sig and blood tests all normal other than 2 fissures but its been 5 months now!!!!!!!

anyone with fissure/bowel experience please please tell me i dont really have pain maybe a slight sharpness/ scratching everything i have read says severe pain with fissures can doctors tell the difference between old / active fissures i am worried they are looking at old ones and attributing them to the bleeding.

also previously to the gtn i was having blood on tissue everyday someone please confirm to me that if this was a tumour bleeding everyday it wouldnt just stop for 3 weeks with a cream??

i know i am going on but im just so worried i have a tumour in there the docs dont seem interested and i feel so alone and frustrated :(

19-04-09, 18:07
I get tiny little splits in the skin around my anus that can give me red blood on toilet tissue and make that area very sore - its worse the more I go to the loo and I am one who normally goes 4 times a day but if I eat too much fibre I can go up to 6 times and thats when I get the blood. I have had sig and also full colonoscopy and all was well.

I think if the blood is only on the tissue and is not mixed in with your poo and its bright red then you don't need to worry too much.

I woulnd't put yourself through the horrors of the prep for a full colonsocpy if you really really don't have to - the Dr's tend to err on side of doing too many tests to cover themselves so if they don't want to do any more then they must be very sure of themselves.

19-04-09, 20:14
thanks, my main worry is that it is not really sore or painful just a bit sharp thats why i cant believe the blood is from the fissures i really cant tell you how worried i am that this has been misdiagnosed :(

20-04-09, 08:06
I have had a fissure for 3 months now and i get a couple weeks where no blood and then all of a sudden its back. I get no pain just a sharp razor blade feeling when i pass a stool. I think if you have had your tests and they have told you its just a fissure then thats what it is. Also if you are not getting any blood in your stool and the the blood is bright red then its not anything sinister. We just have to give it time and keep an eye on our diets. Don't worry (i know its easier said than done) i have read that fissures can take ages to heal.

20-04-09, 10:02
deb141 thanks so much for your post i feel better that there is someone similar i know i shouldnt but i have looked at all these fissure stories on the net of people saying the pain is worse than childbirth and i just think omg!!it scares me!! anyway thanks again xxx