View Full Version : the tough hard approach

19-04-09, 11:25
my gp recently has been saying they are being more tough on me or what may seem to be, but being that way makes me feel a whole lot worse and makes me feel useless through all the trying is no good at all, and is it worth it anymore, ive grown up with having everything hard whereas my sister has had everything easy in life my grnadparent and my dad agree with this.

my dad was using the tough approach on me and it put me under pressure so much that end of last year i lost it and sent text to my grandparent about how i felt, my mum asked what it was she was with her she told her, words where then said to dad, who touch wood doesn't seem to being putting me under prssure as much

the thing is im scared to let gp know incase they think i cant be helped when i do want help otherwise i wouldnt go, and they thought i took extra medication in week when i shouldn't of becuase of them when i didnt i just had soo much in my mind, but bit of that pressure doesnt help on top
the thing is it took me ages to find a gp i trust but now little scared of this new approach making feel poorly more

should i mention it to pshychiatrist this week or not, or maybe should i just say gp tried what she see's as tough approach but that makes me feel worse doesnt help because of my past?

if i didnt want help i wouldn't be going to appointments

19-04-09, 11:54
I think you should be able to be honest and open with everyone who genuinely wants to help. Put pressure on me makes me worse so its encouragement you need I think x

19-04-09, 12:04
thanks for understanding what i mean, as last time i saw psychiatrist her encouragement made me feel better about my self and made that weekened after better