View Full Version : racing heartbeat

16-08-05, 18:08
hi all i have been suffering from a fast heartbeat for years with missed beats. but just recently il be sitting down and if i stand too quick my heart will start racing....... normally for a few mins but today it raced so much i fell to the floor it was beating so fast and hard i thought it was gonna explode i had to stay on the floor for 20 mins till it slowed down. it must of been doin 150 and the thud that it was making was so bad it made my body beat too...does anybody else get these horrible fast heartbeats for no apparent reason i also get them when i go out or go up stairs

16-08-05, 19:04
Lesley - have you been feeling more anxious lately or have had lots of worries on your mind? When my anxiety was at its worst at the beginning of my panic attacks, I always felt my heart was beating too fast and I felt it could jump out my chest... obvioulsy it never did. I think it sounds like your nerves and heart is just too sensitive just now to how you are feeling. Try and not let it stop you getting on with your life. do your best to ignore it and it will go back to normal..... easier said than done but its the only way.

Hope this helps.


17-08-05, 08:58
Hi Leslie,

I too have suffered with the missed beats for ages - over three years - and wonder if you take any medications for them and what advice you have been given.

Feel free to PM me, it sometimes helps to talk to others with the same symptoms. Sometimes I get a racing heart, but about 100bpm not as high as yours, and for all sorts of weird reasons, like you said, standing up etc.. There is also no pattern to ectopics...sometimes I can be sitting still and I get them, other times, I could be moving about and get them. I have to say I hate them and they terrify me.....

I don't think I've been much help to you...sorry, but if you need to talk I'm here.
Love, Linda.x

17-08-05, 18:35
hi lesley
i too suffer from missed heartbeats and the racing heart even when im laying down my heart beats really hard and when i sit up it starts thumping like mad just for a few seconds, it scares me but i try not to let it get to me too much as im learning anxiety causes more anxiety and so on.
but your not alone on this one
take care
michelle xxx

17-08-05, 19:47
Feel my heart beating (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3710)
Heart - Updated (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3861)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

13-09-08, 04:07
hi all i have been suffering from a fast heartbeat for years with missed beats. but just recently il be sitting down and if i stand too quick my heart will start racing....... normally for a few mins but today it raced so much i fell to the floor it was beating so fast and hard i thought it was gonna explode i had to stay on the floor for 20 mins till it slowed down. it must of been doin 150 and the thud that it was making was so bad it made my body beat too...does anybody else get these horrible fast heartbeats for no apparent reason i also get them when i go out or go up stairs
I also have the racing heart beat i see two psyc. and are meds im scared to leave my house i actually feel my racing heartbeat all the time i am traped in my home my disorder has owned me. I live a terrible life dont let it get you down like i have its horrible everyday i think im going to die. I pray alot

music maker
22-11-08, 16:00
Dear Kile, I feel so sorry for you, but I guess that is not what you need. I too have the weird heart beats, and yes, I could give into them, there is nothing I would like better than to stay in bed all day and count my heart beats to check if it stops for good! but fear and anxiety are part of this complaint and as my daughter would say - 'It's only doing it for attention', I find that ignoring it is the best policy - having said that my heart has been beating wierdly for nearly a week now and I think it's time to go back and see the doctor, the internet can only tell you so much!
I am a christian so I will pray for you. Reply if you want, I've never used a site like this before but I can see how it would be helpful.
All the best
Music maker

28-11-08, 12:08
Hi, wow this site is amazing.
I began suffering (noticing) ectopic beats about 20 years ago (i'm now 43) but they were once or twice a year. They slowly became more frequent and shortly after having my first child 10 years ago really went up a notch. I had a 24 ecg which showed nothing at all. I was prescribed propranolol on a very small dose. Since then I've also suffered from palpitations, runs of ectopics (3 or 4), fluttering beats and all kinds of things. These have increased hugely over this last year - but this last year I have been so stressed. I've researched General Anxiety Disorder as my adrenalin was ridiculous. From being upset (going through a divorce) to being excited - both would have the same effect. I suffered my first panic attacks this year too. Now I'm much more relaxed and yet currently I'm going through another bad patch of irregular/missed/ectopic all kinds of stuff heartbeats again, even when sitting relaxed. My ecg a month ago showed nothing but I've a 24 hour ecg coming up soon. Part of me knows that it is my body's reaction to stress/anxiety but the other part is constantly scared. Its impossible for family/friends who don't suffer from this to understand how deeply it can effect your everyday life. Of course, the constant worry about my heart causes me to be anxious which is the catch 22/vicious circle.
Thank god that there are other people out there who know what it's like. I am determined that this will not ruin my life. I've 2 young daughters to live for and I'm damned if some stupid heartbeat is going to make me depressed!!

28-11-08, 17:21
Lesley -- have you ever been diagnosed with MVP (mitral valve prolapse)? That causes a lot of my racing hear beats (tachycardia), irregular heart beats and such. Stay clear of the caffeine and sugar, get plenty of rest, and drink plenty of water and see if that doesn't help. I have also found a glass of orange juice in the morning helps me - something about the potassium in it. And, when your heart races, try bearing down (like you are going to the bathroom) and drink a glass of cold water. Those things should help.

Oh, and one of my favorite quotes is by E.B. White. He said that he had heard from a neighbor, "Never worry about your heart until it stops beating." :) That one makes me laugh and I think, Ok, I won't . . :) Hugs, Wiskers ~

28-11-08, 18:21
Hi There
I have at times suffered with a fast heartbeat and this is my first post its nice to see I am not the only one as at times I think I am who suffers with this. So far its caused me no ill effects
Michael :D

28-11-08, 18:38
Hi I had the same heatbeat problem my cardiologist put me on a 30 day heart monitor and every time i would feel dizzy i would press it. he only found couple of fast heart beats 165 and i don't know what the other reading was but he tried me on propranonol and took me off and put me on lanoxin (digoxin) anyway i don't think i have those fast heart beats but i still get dizzy.

29-11-08, 09:40
I've had this horrible symptom on and off since I was a child. It's triggered by sitting or standing up quickly, and sometimes if I start running/walking fast suddenly. The worst times are when I wake up in the middle of the night with it though! It goes so fast, around 150-200 beats and I feel all lightheaded... Because it often comes out of the blue it can trigger a panic attack, which obviously makes it more scary and last even longer. I had the 24hr heart monitor about 10yrs ago plus ultrasound and there wasn't anything to worry about (I have to keep reminding myself though cos it feels like it can't possibly keep going at that rate!). It can be hours, days, weeks, even months before I get the next one - there doesn't seem to be any pattern.

A gp taught me a couple of techniques that help it go back to normal rythmn: the most effective for me is to breath in slowly through my nose as I crouch down (sounds bizarre but it makes my heart do a couple of weird thuds then goes back to normal!) If I'm in public, I pretend to adjust my laces/check for something in my bag. His other suggestion was to hold my nose while trying to blow hard out of it as you crouch down.

My nan also suffered from it - its reassuring to know you're not alone with this horrible symptom!

Hope this helps.

music maker
29-11-08, 18:04
Thanks Smithy, I will give it a go. Some days it seems like an uphill battle, this struggle to be calm all the time, but it's better than the thudding that I get in my chest when I get upset! It's really good to know that other people are feeling the same as me. Does anyone find that it's worst after meals? and can I expect it to be normal again - ever? and why has it just started now, is it something I have had all my life and just never noticed? Does anyone know the answers?