View Full Version : Ready For a Full Blown Panic Attack..

19-04-09, 12:31
....i'm at my wits end right now and need some encourging words.

In the last few days i have posted twice re sinuses, hoarse voice etc, now i'm focusing on mouth & throat cancers:weep:

Here is a insight of the past few years.

I am 53 now but at the age of 22 i lost my teeth after the birth of my daughter, this was a 'Big Thing' for me and i've always had a hang up about it, so much so my husband of 30 years has never seen me without my dentures! I lock myself in the bathroom when i clean them, i sleep with them in (i know you shouldn't)

I even have a problem taking them out for a dentist....stupid i know, but that's how bad my hang up is:blush: .

My dentures are well over due for renewal, but i keep putting it off:blush: .

Anyway i suffer oral thrush due to my inhalers (i thought) even though my oral hygene is 2nd to none, i use nystain but my thrush never goes. I have read that ill fitting dentures can cause oral thrush too, so i'm clinging to that, but with everything that has been happening over the past month or two i'm beginning to think otherwise:weep:

I did see an oral specialist about a 18 months ago and he said there was no nasties there but those nasty thoughts are with me again.

Hoarse voice, small amount of blood coughed up although i think it came from my throat.

I'm going to see my GP tomorrow and also making an appt to see a dentist on Tuesday, but i'm petrfied.

Sorry for going on!

19-04-09, 12:48
Hi Trish,
while my worries are different, like you they seem so real. Now looking at your post, and forgive me, I am not a Doctor or therapsit, but have you not gone some way to answering your own post? What I mean is you say you are long over due to have new dentures? well it seems to me, a complete novice in such things, that this may well be the 'problem' greatly enhanced with your anxiety. I see a Lady perhaps over cleaning, grinding as she sleeps and worrying, would those conditions and the fact as you say you are over due a new set certainly help cause a lot if not all of your symptoms.

I also know the 'fear' of how long ago I was told all was ok, but I think if there was anyting 18 months ago, firstly someone would have said and I would be suprised if anything untoward is happening now.
Do you ever get hayfever? seems to me, and I am basing this on others posts and indeed my own and my little daughters experiences that this year it does seem to be strong and early, I did read it was some tree budding a lot, but I can rememebr which, also I do know hayfever can 'come on' without a previous history of such a thing.
Any way I hope some of this 'rings a bell' and helps, even if a litttle. But and again I am not a professional, from what you have said I think you can worry less, no point in saying dont worry, we all do!! But if I as a HA sufferer for many years had your symptoms, I am not sure I would worry quite as much.
Hope this helps.

19-04-09, 13:10
Hi Trish

I too use inhalers, and if you don't gargle nearly every time, thrush can be very common. Try some Daktarin mouth gel too...sometimes a change of medicine works wonders. That horrible feeling in your mouth is awful and will drive you mad.
Also, a good idea to get your dentures sorted out....maybe they are sitting comfortably and will cause rubbing and sores.

Good luck!
Pegs X

19-04-09, 19:23
Thank you Chris and Peggy for your replies.

I know my HA is sky high at the moment and i am trying to think sensably but gee it's so hard at times:huh: Pegs i've got the Daktarin gel which i use now and again but it does nothing to help. I rinse my mouth out everytime i use my inhalers and i also use a spacer for the ventolin, but i can't with the disc one.

Chris i'm sure your right i do find myself clenching my teeth (dentures:blush: ) together when i'm stressed, and of course wearing them overnight Lord knows what i'm doing!

The thought of going to the dentist fills me with dread just because i will need to take them out....it's more than just vanity it's a real big deal for me, i wish i could overcome it but after all these years i doubt i ever will:weep:

Trish x

19-04-09, 19:48
Hi Trish

dont be too hard on your self you have been through a big deal,having all these dental problems must have been extremly traumatic at the time,and i to have lost a couple of teeth i know thats nothing compared to you.....

but i worry about that so i can relate to you,as one more is a bit dogey and i might loose that.

have you told your fears to your dentist they are a bit scarey..perhaps someone could speak for you... or come in with you that migh take the pressure off a bit

hope it goes well

Love Skyxx

19-04-09, 20:43
Thank you Sky for your understanding but there is no way i could have someone with me as no one has ever seen me without them:blush: ! That's my problem...it's that bad:blush:

Trish x

20-04-09, 07:59
Poor you - it must be horrible for you. I think you should try and be honest with your dentist if you can I (presumably they have seen you without your dentures?) - you can get oral lozenges for oral thrush which I'm sure would help - maybe they could prescribe those?

IT won't be cancer - as someone else said, you went someway to answering your own post by suggesting that it was caused by dentures and wearing them at night and clenching your teeth when stressed.

I so sympathise with you as I have a horrendous fear of oral cancer and hate all the sensations I get in my mouth but I am learning (slowly!!) that the mouth is SO easily traumatised and that oral thrush can be hard to shift once it takes a hold. It can also make the mouth bleed if the white patches get rubbed off or irritated. I'm sure that is what the small amount of blood was.

Try and speak to your dentist and see if there is an alternative to wearing your dentures at night that doesn't seem too horrendous to you...
Thinking of you.x:bighug1: