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View Full Version : losing my mind

19-04-09, 17:50
today has been horrible....i feel like im losing control of my life. ive had butterflies, palpitations and headaches all day.

this is the worst its been in a long time and im slowly starting to give up fighting.

sorry for the whine

19-04-09, 20:07
hi please don't give up we all have days where we feel horrible but we have to keep going your palpations headaches etc are all common anxiety symptoms which we get, i get these symptoms most days take care xxx

19-04-09, 21:12
Hi Missy,
I so feel for you.. I know that feeling of wanting to give up. Sometime back i felt overwhelmed with it all and unable to cope.. but some how i knew that it would get better and it did!! I still have moments when it all just feels too much of a struggle, but i snap myself out of it quickly by focusing on all the things i've got through and how much strength i have.

Please believe that it gets better.. All things pass with time. Good luck xx

19-04-09, 21:15
Missy - don't give up! I have days like this, where I get a symptom and manage to convince myself that it's something really bad, and then I feel like I'm losing control of my life; that it's never going to get better. When this happens, you just need to take a little time out and think rationally. Your headaches and palpitations will all be due to anxiety - once you stop thinking them and letting them control you, they WILL go away. So you have to keep on fighting, you can't let it control you, you have to control IT. Keep strong; everyone gets good days and bad days xxxxxxxx

20-04-09, 13:26
thanks guys

i seem to have found a cure (fingers crossed). i treated myself to a wii fit, and if you dont have one i would advise you to invest in it. its fun and energetic and helps you concentrate on what you're doing which takes your mind off how you're feeling.

hopefully this will be the start of some better days for me.

20-04-09, 20:20
I think you have hit the nail on the head with the Wii Fit.

The actual point is that you are distracting yourself from your condition and giving your mind something to focus on other than yourself and your anxieties.

I do the same thing by using this forum as a 'vent' for my woes.

Your solution is probably more fun though :D

Give Wii Sports a go......especially the tennis :)

20-04-09, 21:02
i tried that but didnt really work......the wii fit is the one for me.

i use this forum to vent a load of rubbish too.....some of the things ive been saying make me feel very very stupid.