View Full Version : shaky hands ??

19-04-09, 19:19
does anyone expericence this ? i have had aniexty for few years now and i have been feelin quite good these last past months with the medication i am on(citrapram 20g one a day).i have stopped the constant worrying but these last few weeks av noticed my hands tend to shake wen i hold sumthing e.g when i am eating and have my knife and fork in my hands feels as though my hands are shaking?? also when i am txting on my phone my thumb/fingers will twitch alot.my foearm's also feel dead week as though i dont have the energy to move my arms.i am starting to worry again and i really dont wanna be goin back to the doctors annoying them again.(i havnt been for the past month! a record for me as i went every week few months ago).am worrying it mite have parkinson's disease:weep: or somthing. i am only 20 and i really dont want to have this.should i be worrying and be going back to the doctors ?

help would be much appreciated :D

19-04-09, 23:33

i posted about this yesterday, it was really worrying me. it was one hand and everytime i held something it shook and my fingers were twitching.

My arm felt really weak to.

how are u feeling today? im sure its just the anxiety, im sure mine wont go cause im so worried about it.

mandie x

20-04-09, 18:13
Hi Mandie,

Glad to know am not alone,I feel pretty much the same today.mine is not constant its now n again and the more i think aboout it the more it happens.its more twitchin if anythin if i hoild my hands out they dont shake but if i hold the newspaper for example my thumb will start twitching back on forth!.its pretty worring and like i said i have been doin so well and gettin back to normal now this is happening.

maybe it could be my meds ? i dont know i am goin back to the doctors in a few days i will let you know wot he says.