View Full Version : Please go away, windy feeling getting worse not better

19-04-09, 20:14
I have been trying hynotherapy to get rid of health anxiety. I get a wind feeling in my upper chest/throat area that either rushes up and feels like it will stop my breathing or catches in my throat. I then burp a lot but nothing really there. I thought the hypnotherapy was working and have 2 sessions remaining. However it is 3 weeks since I went and the last week or so has been as bad as ever. I am constantly waiting for the winrush to come, does that make it come???? Please will it GO AWAY!!! I have been told by Dr it is panic but no one else seems to have the same symptons and what if it isn't??

Vanilla Sky
19-04-09, 20:29
Proccie, I had this for months , the exact way you are describing it. It's so annoying. My doctor gave me Lansoprazole which helped a lot. I no longer take them and don't get it anymore. The less you panic the less it will happen, remember it is not a serious thing, just uncomfortable sometimes Good Luck Paige x

19-04-09, 22:04
Hi petal,I think it's more or less like a different version of the lump in throat thing which is very common with anxiety.

I didn't get it often but I would wake up during the night alot with this,just cauhgt the breath right away form me..

It WILL pass though. Maybe try sipping some hot water??

I found that helped even with the lump in throat thing also
