View Full Version : May sound stupid but....

19-04-09, 20:38
Hey guys, me again.

Just a quick question, i am getting worried that i am not actually having panic attacks at all ( which everyone and me think it is). But when i feel like im going into one, i feel like all the blood rushes out my face and feel really faint....not when im in one, its like the 10 min build up to one and if i breathe try and ignore it most the time recently (seen as im on diazepam now) i can control it not to go into one. Just wanting to make sure that this is a normal feeling??? i was sat in the car driving with my dad and my girlfriend dropping her off (yes we did decide to give it another go as she says she will stick by me ) and they just come soo random....i can be talking to her and then out of no-where it feels like im going to faint and my hands go all clammy and pins and needly start to feel like somthing is choking me etc etc. Just wondering if this is how most people feel? they just come so out the blue and make me feel so weak when they first hit me like i cud just drop to the ground. The constant de-realisation is still their and is still what i think causes all my panic attacks and i think even if i try and take my mind off it, i think about it sub-conciously which could be bringing them on.

Any help would be great guys....just want to make sure that i aint thinking im having panic attacks and doctors are too and its somthing else.......my Health anxiety is very high tonight :(

19-04-09, 21:08
Sounds very like panic attacks to me Lawton.. Miine can strike out of the blue. Usually some strange thought will trigger it and then i'm off! I'll start to get a tingling in my feet and hands and it creeps through my body, by face and chest literally start to burn.. I feel so weak and emotional. Then the awful thoughts get worse and i feel totally overwhelmed...

I'm feeling alot better at the mo and manage to nip them in the bud when the tingling starts now.. I focus on breathing and slowing down.. and remind myself that all the weirdness is symptoms and nothing more. xx

19-04-09, 21:57
It does sound like attacks lovey..everyone will obviously not feel the EXACT same but those symptoms are usually prevalent in panic attacks.

When I get them,I can be fine and then it sorta hits me like a cold rush in waves..it's awful then I usually feel like I need the toilet urgently and not for pee pees.

Not nice at all but we're all here to support you if you need to talk about anything :)


Amy xxxxxxx

19-04-09, 22:37
I read a post when I 1st came here where someone explained anxiety like this:
It is like a rain barrel. Over time it fills up and most people just empty it out without probelm. Then there are those of us that don't and don't realize it. Over time, the barrel continues to fill until one day it over flows and physical symptoms of anxiety begin. Just like an obese person does not lose years of stored fat by replacing bad eating habits with good for 1 week, the same holds true for anxiety. It takes just as long to empty your barrell as it did not fill over night, but rather over time.
When my panic comes on, I get HOT, red, dizzy, and can't breathe. It is anxiety even if your not doing anything at that moment to cause anxiety. Good luck

19-04-09, 22:54
Wee-mee, same here. Instant brain to gut reaction and I have the runs BAD, If there's no toilet, I am in trouble. I have been lucky so far, in the street, I'd find a restaurant or some place fast. I also get tingling in my left fingers during a panic attack.