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View Full Version : burning type pain under arm,radiating to neck and shoulder..

19-04-09, 21:27
Does anyone know what it could possibly be?

I really am not wanting another freak out about "c" :'(

I don't remember doing anything to it but maybe I did,I dunno.

The pain is actually making me feel sick.

it goes from the back of my shoulder,top of my arm,underarm right sorta over near where my under arm joins at my breast and I'm getting worried :;(

Has anyone has this?

I also got bad shooting pains through my chest last night and had to sit up :weep: :lac: :weep:

Anything please..

19-04-09, 21:41
please? it's actually agony to be honest.

19-04-09, 22:16

19-04-09, 22:25
h also get this pain but when i try to ask anyone about it i cant really explain how it comes from my shoulder to the muscle that joins the chest under or just before my armpit, i also get a tight dragging feling just below my neck but not in my chest as such i have decided to go to the docs this week to try and find out wot this is i am also going to ask for blood tests to check my heart enzymes as i am freaking out about a heart attack:weep:

19-04-09, 22:28
Wee mee- maybe you pulled a muscle? Please try to relax and not think the worse ok. Have you done any physical activty out of the norm at all...slept wrong..anything?

19-04-09, 22:28
It's horrible isn't it?

I'ts jusdt this aching aching and it's making me nauseous.

I keep gently pressing to see if I can see where it's radiating and one minute it feels like my shoulder,then neck,then underarm then top of arm.

It's just agony.

I'm gonna go take a painkiller I think.

I hope you are okay.

I think I may need to go to docs

20-04-09, 09:38

I get something like what you have described. I have chronic lower back pain, and I was limping badly for a few years before I could walk right again. I started to get the neck & shoulder pain like a pinched nerve, only it isn't because it doesn't show on any scans. Someone said it could be a nerve hooking under something. With a lot of rest of my right arm it normally goes away (my right arm often goes dead, or I get sharp pains through my wrist). I try to do a lot of stretching because that alleviates the pain, but it sounds like your pain is too bad to do that at the moment. When my pain gets that bad I can't exercise the way I normally would. My pain makes me feel sick & dizzy & weak & I often get a headache. I get pains shoot through every part of my body at different times, other times it eases off.

You might need some physiotherapy or something. That helps me, but check with your doctor. I do the types of exercises my physiotherapist recommended at the gym & heaps of gentle stretching. Good posture is also very important. Heat packs can sometimes help.

Sorry I can't be more help. There isn't much that can be done about the type of condition I have except to learn to live with it.

I hope that yours is something that can be fixed unlike mine

All the best.

20-04-09, 11:27
melody,I'm so sorry about that. It sounds agonising! :hugs:

stressed: I sort of hope it is a pulled muscle so that it will just eventually go aay but I don't remember doing anything to it..then again,I yawned a few months back and popped the other shoulder into spasm..yes..yawned. I'm only 22 for pete sake! I'm pulling and popping all over the place! :( :weep:
I've woke up and it's still sore. It just goes from this dull annoyance to fully flared agony. It's more "bearable" if you like when it is resting downwards hence why the typing is managable (Thank God)

but when I forget and lift it,it kind of sets it off.

I t feels like it's going almost into the bone at my underarm and shoulder right through towards my left breast..so.."c" worries are coming forth again. God I can't explain this properly.

I'm gonna need to get more painkillers,though they aren't doing much.
And if it is a pulled muscle..what can I get for it? I haven't heard of an underarm boob bandage hehe.

Aww :weep:
