View Full Version : short of breath when lay down!!!

19-04-09, 22:17
Hey everyone,
for the last i would say 2 weeks ive been suffering with what i think is trapped wind..although im not really sure what that is defined as!!! it goes from one extreme of being really bloated and uncomfortable, to a pain in my left shoulder and real discomfort in the whole upper / left side of abdomen. I'ts really scaring me, as i have recently been disgnosed with a heart condition called Wolff-parkinson white syndrome. however i was born with this and have had it for the last 21 yrs of my life, not known about it and been fine. so im sure that cos i now know about it its just health anxiety, but these symptoms are driving me crazy...i can hear things rumbling and vibrating against things im leaning on and feel as if things are moving around in there!!! the scariest thing is is that even whem im on a day when i seem to be feeling fine...often when i bend down i feel like my insides are squashing my heart!!! and when i lay down..be it in the day on the sofa, in the bath, or at night in bed....i feel like my insides are all spreading out and someones sat on my chest ( a little short of breath and weird)
Does any one else suffer with these kinds of symptoms? I am quite overweight and have it in my head that my organs are squashing my heart, although ive asked people who i now of a similar size to me or bigger and dont seem to have any troubles like this? any advice?!?!

19-04-09, 22:26
Hey girlie,I'm about a stone overwiehgt and although I don't have heart problems,when I bend down everthing does feel rather squashed..like the boobs get in the way with lungs and everything falls forward and isn't attractive lol.

I'm sure it's just anxiety now making you focus cos you said yourself when you didn't know about the heart condition,you were fine.

If it persists though.have a wee talk to your doc. :)


20-04-09, 12:27
yeah i think your right, some very weird feelings though!!! xx