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View Full Version : Bad weekend...

20-04-09, 11:33
And here was me thinking i'd became stronger.

Saturday: Woke up panicking at 3am. Absolutely convinced of monsters/alien/other assorted child fears lurking in the shadows. Haven't has this since age 9 (when panic first started for me)

Slept most of the day, despite lovely weather. 2pm forced myself to meet a friend for lunch. Lo and behold, half way through the fear began again. Managed to struggle through, left, got halfway back to my white fiesta of safety and full-on end of living attack hit me. Since taking a fortnight off work these had died down, but it seems they're back if I do anything even REMOTELY strenuous, such as, a short walk, or shopping. This is ridiculous.

Same fear anxiety at 3am. Sure I actually saw something this time, hiding behind the tv. Noted must move tv to avoid bitey nastiness hiding. They don't pay rent, so they're not staying there.


Spent the day with my girlfriend. All seemed fine. Drinking was involved, sun, beer and enjoying life for once. Then sleep. Then awoke in the middle of a full on attack. No breathing. Heart stopping whenever it felt like it. Then weak pulse, wouldn't keep a fly alive for very long. Finally slept again after 3 hours of terror at 6am. Seriously ridiculous, and exhausting.

Due back at work on weds. Have no choicereally, no sick-pay aside ssp, too many debts to pay and incap wouldn't pay a quarter of them. Repeat repeat repeat...

Sarah Virginia
21-04-09, 09:23
Sorry to hear you had a bad weekend - you were not alone. I have had a bad couple of days. Doctor put me on anytriptolyn which turns out made my pulse race far too fast. Now off them and on betablockers. Went to see the Occupational therapist yesterday - she was great. Told her when I got a panic attack which is nearly every other day thought I was going to die. She assured me that I would not and when I felt like that to think of something nice and concentrate on my breathing. Yesterday was the best day I have felt in ages. Usually my panic attacks come when I am driving into work. Today I decided to put some nice music on and concentrate on that. Got into work without a panic attack - first time in ages. Hope I have helped in that you are not alone. Try to concentrate on your breathing and thinking of something nice when a panic comes on - I know it may not be easy but truly it does help. :D
