View Full Version : What anti-anxiety stuff can we take with citalopram?

20-04-09, 11:55
Hi all, is it safe to take Kalms with citalopram? The Kalms leaflet just says ask your doctor if you're taking other medication. I feel that I need to try something to take the edge of my anxiety at the moment.

I hear that people can also take valium with citalopram. Fat chance of me getting any cos my doctor genuinely believes I will be all right with citalopram on its own.

What side effects do you get from taking Kalms or valium with citalopram?

Thank you :)

20-04-09, 12:53
Hi. The dr prescribed me chlordiazepoxide which is Librium. I can take up to 30 mg daily. Think you can also take diazepam or valium but never had these. Not sure about kalms, but dr or pharmacist should know. Nhs direct might he able to tell you !? Anx - Its soul destroying isn't it! Take care:scared15:
ps you don't get side effects with chlordiazepoxide and cital. Apart from drowsiness. X

20-04-09, 13:00
I was told it was ok to take kalms,but they may make you feel tired.Give your pharmacist a ring to put your mind at ease first thou, i always think they know more about drugs than drs.I think your Dr is being very unkind not giving you a low dose of valium to see you through this bad period ,they take the edge off the anxiety ,but can also make you feel tired.Chamomile tea ,Bach rescue remedy and re
laxation are some other things worth a try.Hope you feel better soon Poet, these effects will wear off eventually . Hugs SUE:hugs:

20-04-09, 13:10
Hi, thanks for the replies. I do feel better now that I've seen the doctor, I needed someone in authority to tell me that it was going to be all right, and he wasn't rude or unkind. It did take the edge off my anxiety.

Maybe he wants me to be on as few drugs as possible?

I can't wait til this whole situation has improved! I'm off out with my mate for a bike ride, hopefully that will make me feel better :D

20-04-09, 22:36
So is it ok to take Kalms with citalopram??? If it is, then I am going to run upstairs and start taking them!!! I need to crush them first though because of fear of choking ! :wacko:
Poet - Did your gp not prescribe any Valium ? In a way I think that may be a good thing though - too many gps hand out far too many tablets sometimes I think, which causes problems later on in some cases. He sounds like a good gp! :)
Did you feel better for the bike ride?

20-04-09, 23:59
Suzy-sue, who told you it was ok to take Kalms with citalopram?

Poppy, I had a fantastic day, the best in ages, thanks for asking :D

The weather was stunning and we had a right laugh on our bikes. We even managed to talk through a few of our own problems and I think both of us got something good out of that. I needed a day like this!!

21-04-09, 16:59
Poet my friends dr told her she could take them! but to take half the usual dose as they will have a increased effect,the same with night nurse. My doc gave me some diazepam but i only took them twice as they made me feel sick.Drs dont like to perscribe these because they are highly addictive ,but are more often than not perscribed to help with the first few weeks (not more than 4) when a patient is getting severe anxiety due to side effects on a medication. I dont agree they should be dished out like smarties,but they are effective for many ,taken short term ! as a take when necessary basis. I didnt mean to give the impression that your Dr was mean to you,i just thought it wouldnt of hurt to give you something that could help you for a week or so.As for the Kalms ,id give your pharmacist a call ., or try and ride it out if you can.Im sure it wont be long till you feel more stable on them.Take care Sue x

21-04-09, 17:13

I take valium and citalopram and I have taken citalopram with valerian/kalms

You can take kalms with citalopram, uit might increase the hypnotic effect of kalms and make you chill/sleepy but that is not bad, right?

It is the same with valium

Getting valium from your GP is a pain in thsi country. I am Spanish and I go back to Spain every 3 months or so and my doctor there prescribes me some because the advice there is that it should be used, carefully but definetely used, for people with anxiety disorders on an as needed basis.

I have achieved really potent anxiolytic action from taking valerian extract. Check a reputable webiste about dosage, the only side effects are drowsiness and sometimes and upset stomach, but takien regularly, it can be a good substitute for valium and it causes no phyisical addiction. Hollands and Barrets sells it.

21-04-09, 20:04
Hi there - It's fine to take Kalms with Citalopram - from memory they contain Valerian, Passiflora and Wild Lettuce. To be honest, for someone with severe anxiety, it's like eating smarties - obviously anything bought over the counter will be quite weak - however, all these things work on GABA receptors like Valium, but on a much lower level. I've had Passiflora and Valerian from a herbalist which were much stronger and they did help, but not greatly! Have you asked your doctor about beta-bockers? - it's the adrenaline that you need to control and a short term on those until the Citalopram really starts to work may be the answer? Good luck!

21-04-09, 20:25
Hi, thanks for the replies. I don't think you can combine beta blockers with SSRis but I could be wrong.

I'll try taking one Kalm tomorrow morning. I'm out with a friend in the morning so if I get side effects then at least I'll have company. I'll report back whether or not it helps. I doubt it will do much for this level of anxiety.

It is normal to feel very anxious 95% of the day isn't it?

21-04-09, 22:14
Poet - I am going to take Kalms too - I already have some, however I am scared to combine but if you have some tomorrow with the citalopram, can you let us know how you get on - if it has negative effects then I am not taking any. Not that I think you are a human guinea pig or anything! :winks:
Citalopram is sending me nuts today - having really weird thoughts, then I get anxious, then the anxiety goes, and I keep drifting off into my own little world and also my memory is really bad!!!:wacko:

21-04-09, 23:28
Don't worry Poppy, if I wake up feeling bad I might as well try taking a Kalm, it can't make things any worse!! (famous last words)

I was in a state all day til I sat down and played Fallout 3. I was so completely engrossed in the game that I forgot my worries even existed. I spent the rest of the night watching footy and stuff with my dad and brother and I feel more chilled out now.

There's your cure for anxiety: get Fallout 3 and prepare to forget the real world :D

21-04-09, 23:41
Awww, Poet! I hope the citalopram starts to work well again for you soon - its odd isnt it all the stages that we all go through on it? I wonder why it does these things?
I am glad you felt more relaxed later.
Whats Fallout 3 about??? Is it violent??? full of blood and gore??? I need calming things...like those games where you get to care for a virtual puppy or horse or whatever...
Let us all know how the Kalms work and if they are ok then I will try taking mine with the cit and probably end up feeling even more drugged!
My memory is getting really bad too.:unsure:

21-04-09, 23:50
Fallout 3 is an epic game set in the future, where the world is trying to recover from a nuclear war. It's like the best 50s B-movie ever (I've just been fighting giant fire-breathing ants with my laser pistol). It's a massive world where you can go anywhere and do anything. It's absolutely stonking.

I like to think that the citalopram is still grappling with the problem and is yet to reach its full effect. Hopefully this is how it is for you as well. I suppose we'll find out in time. :)

I think what happens is you start to feel better for a short while and you believe you are recovering (I know I did) and then the anxiety reminds you that it's still there. Then you think you are relapsing or the citalopram hasn't worked. I think it's a battle between the anxiety and the medicine and each side gains the upper hand for short periods. This would tally with what other people have reported.

Hopefully the citalopram will start to win more often. If not, well, there's always counselling ;)

21-04-09, 23:54
Hiya PyschoPoet,

Just thought I would add to the thread, I take citalopram and diazepam fine. I appreciate not everyone is the same but my GP seemed happy for me to take them both and I have had no adverse effects from the combination (infact like many have pointed out, the diazepam has been a life saver at times and used sensibly).

Also I take beta blockers with Citalopram so no offence meant at all but I hope your wrong about that:ohmy: :winks: (not saying you are mind, thats maybe why I am looking for an alternative)

22-04-09, 00:05
Hi Tigeranx, you are right mate, I have been doing some checking up and I seem to have got beta blockers mixed up with "MAOIs" (whatever they are).

22-04-09, 12:20
Hi Tigeranx, you are right mate, I have been doing some checking up and I seem to have got beta blockers mixed up with "MAOIs" (whatever they are).

Cheers for confirming that mate most appreciated. It was on my list of "to ask the GP" but I can cross it off now:shades:

22-04-09, 13:16
Still ask the GP anyway mate, I'm not medically qualified and I am pretty interested to find out myself.

22-04-09, 13:22
I'm pretty much sure you can take beta-blockers with SSRIs. My sister (it all runs in teh family :) ) was prescribed beta-blockers with her fluoxetine to get her through the first few weeks. She doesn't like to take them though because she says it makes her feel a bit out of it. :scared15:

22-04-09, 13:27
Poppy - I didn't feel so anxious this morning (probably because I was going out first thing) but I took a single Kalm anyway to see what would happen. I am either brave or dangerous, I'll let you know which ;)

I didn't notice anything at first, then I felt very derealised for a few minutes. Derealisation doesn't scare me as I've experienced it plenty of times and know it's harmless.

I feel a bit less anxious now -- but my mate and I spent a couple of hours in the blazing sun washing our cars and playing with his dogs and my mind was fully occupied. I'm out all afternoon and evening as well. Knowing I've got stuff to do makes me feel much better.

My brain feels a bit weird though.

The verdict: a single Kalm tablet could have a mild impact on your anxiety without reacting against the citalopram. You should still keep busy and keep your mind occupied though.

Lion King
22-04-09, 22:28
Hi Poppy,

As Psychopoet says, the 1 kalm is probably as much as you need to take, I took 2 a few weeks back and I felt drowsy and sick and not part of what was going on, from this I haven't taken anymore, it did eventually calm the anxiety and tension down, but getting there wasn't pleasant! I am tempted to look at valerian extract from holland & barrett though, but I am trying to ride out the citalopram on its own with the expecatation that it will do its work in time, I am over 5weeks on Cit and I am still struggling with the anxiety, hopefully come week 6, some positives may come my way.

Anyway hope things get better

Lion King

22-04-09, 22:43
I am over 5weeks on Cit and I am still struggling with the anxiety, hopefully come week 6, some positives may come my way.Hear hear. Citalopram doesn't seem to be much help with anxiety... or is it just too soon? Suppose we'll find out if we carry on taking it.

Kalm update: No further side effects, so I think we can assume this stuff is safe to take, though I honestly don't know how effective it is.

22-04-09, 23:56
Hi Poet!
I am going to take a Kalms in the morning, seeing as you didnt have any really awful side effects. :) Watch me grow a 2nd head or something! :wacko:
Is your anxiety still quite bad? I am always worse first thing in the morning. I get straight up and keep busy - if I lie in bed it gets worse!
I have been out all day - I am exhausted - hardly any sleep. Had horrific night - first I was panicking over my non existent pulse and low blood pressure, and then got worried thinking it would drop even lower when I was asleep, and I would die in my sleep, so I fought going off to sleep, I eventually must have gone to sleep, had horrific nightmares, really violent and horrible, woke in a blind panic, :scared15:nthen didnt want to go sleep again, only to fall asleep and wake early, exhausted, as I had to go out. I wish I had never bought stupid blood pressure monitor. I am not going near it again. :mad:

23-04-09, 00:01

You will probably be fine with the Kalm, maybe a few minutes' disorientation when the Kalm starts to work, but I can't see anything bad happening :)

My anxiety has not been so bad today, thanks for asking :D

The worst thing that's appeared in the last couple of weeks has been a feeling of depression. I don't know why it scares me so much given that I have had depression on and off over the years and I am not even that badly depressed.

I think I'm trapped in a loop of fear and I am hoping that talking therapy will help me break out.

23-04-09, 20:18

I am on 10mg of seroxat, on my 7th week and I also take antenelol (beta blocker) for my palapataions. I only take my antenelol when i can feel palapations coming on as I feel really out of it taking both. Hope this has helped.
