View Full Version : Feeling fed up

20-04-09, 13:15
I just feel fed up right now. Work depresses me as I am in a dead end job don't even know how secure it is with training and things. My family annoy me, and so do some of my friends at the moment.

I have had alot of hassle from those areas over the last few months and just fed up with it and can't be bothered with any of them. The last few days I have just wanted to avoid then all.. I keep looking back to the past when I had a job and g.f I was happy with.

I feel pressured to get some where better as I just hate where I am at the moment. I just feel fed up in general and I am getting anxious fearing I am going to go crazy at somebody or get manic depression.

I know I may be happy in 1 year again or two but at the moment it's been two years I have been struggling to find ground and it shows no sign of change. I just don't know how to handle things in the short term or however long I find it hard.

Anybody else feel this way? :unsure:

20-04-09, 14:18
Sick to death of the dead end job I've had for 15 years and which everyone tells me I should be happy to have what with the recession. I love my wife and kids but I spend most of my life worrying abour what happens to them if something happens to me. Hate living on the estate where I do, rather than in the country where I was born. I feel completely and utterly trapped and I feel like I'd gladly trade in the next ten years just to move myself on, one way or another.
And always lurking in the background is my health anxiety and it's back to the doctors again tomorrow. Life ain't much fun and I can't see any way out right now.

Can't offer much else, but you have my sympathy.

20-04-09, 14:24

I just feel so stressed and worked up. I know some people at my work are also stressed but I went part time which has helped but can't find an alternative job.

I just feel my emotions are all over the place.

21-04-09, 13:33
yea i had to come owt of work not so long ago because i just couldnt cope at all , they reduced my hours down to try n help which did but just had lost the will to carry on , and now im JOBLESS !!! not good at all , but i do kinda feel better with owt the stress of it , my life was better yrs ago too , but at the end of it only we can change our ways and over come crap ,we choose our own destiny ! so im just kinda lookin forward to geetin better n dat n try n make summat ov my life ! u will no wen ur ready pal.........

21-04-09, 15:32
Hey Guys,

braderz makes a good point. It is up to ourselves....

Phil sounds to me like you are suffering from depression and perhaps a visit to a counselor might be a good place to start.. Also some soul searching..

What do you want out of life... write yourself a list of everything you want to gain from your time here on earth... no matter how silly or unlikely... write them all down and then figure out how to acomplish each one... make a point of attempting to tick them off... obviously its not going to just happen, you'll have to put the work and effort it but no one gets anywhere if they don't have a destination...

If you want something inspirational to read, The Way of the Peaceful Warrior is a great book.

We are our own Gatekeepers and key masters... We all have the same destination, but how we get there is up to us...

Big hugs