View Full Version : I give up today

20-04-09, 13:26
I am fed up feeling this crap, i want it gone, i want it out of my life, i fought so hard to change me over the years and got to a place i was happier, now i am here again, this morning all i wanted to do was say to hell with my life, i had an app today which i have not kept to do with the anxiety but what is the point, she won't deal with all the other crap i need to speak about, so i give up today. I want bloody yell, and tell it to f''k of. Last night i was crying again and so dam mad. Am scared that yet again my life is failing apart and that i will have no one. I am pushing some folk away or treating hot and cold in there words, so know i am worried sick that, that is what i do, to other people in my life. And to a point is it. I know i have been doing it, and using excuses in my head as to why. I don't know why or what am looking for in people i really don't. sod it really just sod today

20-04-09, 13:59
www.controllinganxiety.com (http://www.controllinganxiety.com)
download the FREE mp3 audios ................... I've done that the pother day. They are excellent.
You will think differently.............
Kind regards.

20-04-09, 14:48
don't give up, cause fighting the anxiety is all that keeps us going.
i know it's hard when no one seems to care, n no one is there to help you through it all. i know how it feels to just give up, it seems easy, just stay in bed, sleep, not give a damn.
but life's too short to waste it.
i know it's hard but you have to be there for yourself.
you got to be your own best friend.
all you have is you as the end of the day, your the only one who can drag your butt out of this black hole.
take a day or two off but then get back on the ball.
hope you will start to feel better x x

20-04-09, 17:32
Hey and thankyou sometimes i come on here just to rant and say what is truly in my head as i have no where else to put it. I have gone out today as needed to go to bank and get some things for car and washed it. I have been here before and I kept on fighting it, its just so dam hard some days not to give up. I hate admitting that i am scared, scared of being alone, that i am alone, that am lonely as hell, and that am hurting like hell. I hate people knowing just how sad i feel. But thankyou for anwsering my post xx