View Full Version : hippy hippy shakes

20-04-09, 20:00
I was on 10mg Cita my doc increased to 20mg,took 1st today this morning.I went out in garden about 5pm for an hour with other half trying to tackle the jungle,I was doing a bit of light digging/weeding.When i came in I felt really shaky spaced out and had jelly legs.Would this be side effects or something else? even after just one increased dose?On the plus side its the first time Ive been out the house for weeks.:blush:

20-04-09, 22:28
Sounds like side effects Moonfairy! youve doubled your dose so it will take a while to settle again.Ive only ever increased by 10mg and didnt have bad side effects doing this,i had really bad ones to start with thou.Well done for going outside today,the fresh air and being occupied will help.Hope you feel better soon . Luv Sue

20-04-09, 23:37
I hear people saying they feel worse after physical exertion when they first take citalopram. I know I did. Increasing your dose seems to have the same effect as starting it all over again so I would say you have described side effects.

21-04-09, 22:52
Thanks,I feel much better today,more than I have in a long time felt full of beans and bit hyper,dunno if this is the increased dose or what maybe placebo effect,I can go days without getting up or dressed sometimes,so this was good did 3 lots washing and went in garden to hang it out without being paranoid about neighbours .Im waiting for results of a CT scan for a lump in my neck(appt next weds)Im obsessing less about that too.Found it hard to sleep last night though so watched tv in bed and went on lappy(with OH snoring like wildebeast next to me)Also Ive struck off Dr Google:lac: as I diagnosed myself with everything under the sun:)
Glad I found this site,its great bunch of people in similar postions.:yesyes:

21-04-09, 23:14
[quote=moonfairy;489226]Thanks,I feel much better today,more than I have in a long time felt full of beans and bit hyper,
Ive got a bit hyper on an increase twice,pity it doesnt last,make the most of it!!

(with OH snoring like wildebeast next to me)

Lmao:roflmao: Must blong to the same herd as my O/H I always say that about him ! Im gonna get a sign made saying"welcome to the animal kingdom" for the bedroom door. Joking aside ,glad to hear you are feeling better today.Luv Sue

21-04-09, 23:20
Thing is he says he doesnt snore,so I taped him one night no he can`t deny it I have proof:whistles:

22-04-09, 00:19
When I get anxiety in the mornings I start to shake. It's horrible, but only a side effect. Thinking of it like that makes it tolerable.