View Full Version : Seen Dr Re Neck Lumps

20-04-09, 20:47
I was on here approx two weeks ago panicking about lumps in my neck, found them on the thur night before the bank holiday so couldnt get to see GP before Tues and out of hours servise just told me to see my GP, i hate waiting when so panickd but had to do it...

oh dear i'm waffling now, anyways, the doctor had a feel, said it feels like a swollen gland, looked in my throat and said it didnt look normal...like i'd had a virus in it (did have extremely sore throat 4 weeks before hand) said that if lump (he only could find one!) is still there in 2 weeks to go back and get blood test.

Well, him obvious;ly seeing look of terror on my face has requested me blood tests from hospital and chest x-ray for my peace of mind to rule out anything sinister, and said to let him know what they find my sisters lumps to be when she has them removed in few weeks time.

Sorry for waffle, just wanted to update, did anyone else who replied before need chest xrays/bloods doing?

Cassi xxxxxx

20-04-09, 21:37
Hi Hun
I had exactly the same in October 2007 ---- some 18 months ago now!!!! I found a raised bit above my right clavicle----very soft but definately raised up. It is STILL there to this day :) Anyhow, I went to the Dr and he had a feel and said (I was a new patient as we had just moved to a new area and to be fair i think that triggered my HA off!!) he couldnt feel anything but to be on the safe side he would like me to go immediately(yeah i freaked out completely!!!) for a chest X ray and to come back the next day for 6 blood tests. He got the results and everything was fine and he then called in another Dr to have a feel just for my peace of mind as i was still not convinced. Sooooooo 3 Drs later(yes a few months after that i went back to see another Dr at the same practice!!!) and all results clear and I am fine!!!I can still feel it on my neck and if i prod my groin hard enough i can feel a bump there(i have had that checked too) but in myself i feel ok and walk miles each day with the dog !!!!
Please dont worry---this is just routine stuff they do to cover themselves. You will be fine xxx

28-04-09, 22:10
Had blood tests results back today, full blood count, glandular fever, blood chemistry and another one i cannot remember - all came back clear/normal and the doctor is happy with them. Just awaiting chext x-ray results, but the lump is still there, no bigger, and no smaller!

29-04-09, 10:23
glad it was good news for you ive had a lump on my neck for years and years now never gopt any bigger or any smaller