View Full Version : Help - Have I got Anxiety

21-04-09, 10:38
Hello everyone,

Please could someone tell me if I have been suffering from Anxiety.

Back in November I was feeling fine and walking in London Underground ready to catch my train home and all of a sudden I started to feel light headded and my chest where my heart is started to hurt (kind of a pain)

Anyway since then I have been to the doctors who thought it was a strong chance it was Anxiety, I have driven myslef to hospital 4 times and had a quick ECG and had blood tests and a 24 hour heart monitor on me which I carried around with me - ALL FINE!

HOWEVER I do wake up occassionally and feel very anxious and it takes most of the day to ease off. But most of the time I am not feeling mentally anxious much any more (I don't think) but I am getting pains in my chest exactly where my heart is and pains in my left arm down the inside and outside and in my left shoulder. I of course automatically worry that it has something to do with my heart, I mean what else could it be exactly where my heart is???

Surely if I don't feel anxious anymore then these physical symptoms should be getting better or not be there?

Thanks for all your help


Anyway I hope you can help

21-04-09, 10:51
Hi Matt

My counsellor said to me that the physical symptoms are always the last to go - even if you dont think you are anxious. Your mind is a marvellous thing and it is this marvellous thing that sometimes tricks us into thinking other things.

I would always suggest getting a medical opinion - but it sounds to me that these are just residual symptoms and that by worriying about them you will keep your adreneline high and the symptoms going longer.

Take care

21-04-09, 16:29
Hi Matthew,

I'm sorry you aren't feeling well. It sounds like anxiety with panic to me. This is if the doctors have totally ruled out any illness. Take a look to the side bar to the left and read up on some of the stories about other members and possibly you can relate. Also, go into the Panic Forum and look over those questions and answers too. Also, the chatroom is a great place to go and talk with fellow suffers. I hope you feel better soon.

Take care,
