View Full Version : Extremely anxious by a lump on neck

21-04-09, 10:40
I posted on here two weeks ago about a lump on my neck which looks like a swollen gland or abscess. It was first noticed by somebody at work and my parents so I went to the doctors they checked and I had a cold about February and had some aniti biotics for it so said it could be off that. The doctor also said there was a few spots and it looked like glands.

Two weeks on I have been using lots of spot cream to try and get rid of it and it's helped some days it looks better than others but I've had to make an appointment at the doctors again which is on Friday as my parents say it's not improving any.

I'm just extremely anxious and worried and thinking all sorts. Spent all last night googleling which makes things worse. I know nobody can give me the exact answer but until Friday I am going to worry so I have attached a picture so people can kind of judge as I think it's a swollen gland.

I'm just not sure if I need to be worried or not. Chances are when I go back to the doctors they will do blood tests which will make me worry even more. The picture shows a lump about my neck/cheek area.

What does anybody else think? I am so anxious at the moment. :weep:

21-04-09, 11:08
Hey Phil,

Have looked at the picture and it looks liek something my dad has on his back. He was very worried too but after visiting the doctors and having a few tests turns out its just fatty deposits... My dads not a fat man so if you're naturally quite slim it doesn't mean it can't happen to you... All it is where fat has been stored just under the skin.. Its unlikely to be causing you any pain... Antibiotics would not have gotten rid of it cos its not an infection... Its nothing to worry about if it is what I think it is...

As a small example have you ever had or seen on another person little white dots they look like spots but without the volcano shape or red soreness? If you have then these are tiny fat spots.. I've had them now and again on my face.

Try to focus on something else and keep yourself occupied as worrying will not change whatever the lump actually is... It wont be better or worse for having worried...all you're doing is making yourself miserable for the next few days and you needn't be miserable...

Read a book or go for a run dfill your time between now and friday with as much as you can.

You'll be just fine hun

Big hug


21-04-09, 11:21

It could be anything I guess. I am extremely stressed and I know that can bring out lumps I think that's what is causing the spots. It could be the fatty deposit thing I am naturally slim and my weight has went up and down since starting my job last year as I burn weight off very quick with running about.

It just feels soft kind of moves about and not really painful. I think it could be anything from the fatty deposits to stress/spots or glands.

It's more noticeable from the side and back when I look straight on I just look normal. The doctor said nothing abnormal but never said for sure what kind of gland or what exactly caused it but she checked my mouth the last time said it was fine.

I'm just not sure what to think. I don't think it's got any bigger so I guess that's good news?

21-04-09, 11:53
Phil if after friday its bothering you this much then take a stand and make a stright forward request to be referred to a specialist... They have to take you seriously if they can't give you a direct 100% answer about what it is.. and if they GP refuses to refer you then go see a private doctor... It will cost a little more but if it will ease your mind then it'l have been worth it.

Hope it all goes well hun.. in the mean time kepp you chin up...



21-04-09, 12:02
Phil if after friday its bothering you this much then take a stand and make a stright forward request to be referred to a specialist... They have to take you seriously if they can't give you a direct 100% answer about what it is.. and if they GP refuses to refer you then go see a private doctor... It will cost a little more but if it will ease your mind then it'l have been worth it.

Hope it all goes well hun.. in the mean time kepp you chin up...



Thanks again. I'm partly not bothered and don't want to go to a doctor but part of me is worried with anxiety. I know they may do blood tests but that takes a week to get back and that's another worry. Not sure what they can actually tell from that...then again I could just leave the doctors and not worry but I don't know it it will go away?


21-04-09, 13:09
hey mate , yea i have exactly da same thing and have had for bout 15 yrs since i wer young , mines is under the skin ,and just over a centimetre in size,its round and moves around funny under the skin !! feels like jelly lol ! mines is about 3 centimetres down for my jaw line on my neck ! its perfectly normal dude although the doc did tell me that if it ever increses in size or shape to go and see him , but never has , infact untill i read ur post i forgot i had it !! kepp safe , brad .

24-04-09, 01:15
Well I am sitting anxious here as tomorrow is the doctors day. It's the same doctor so I am really worried incase she says it's just glands. I know it's silly I don't want to worry. My friend says it he would get it checked out and other people say it's probably nothing.

The whole uncertainly of nobody being able to say for sure is really worrying me it's something bad. Course it might be something daft but nobody can prove it.

I'll post how I get on at the doctors tomorrow but last time she said it was blood tests in which case I'll sit anxious for another week probably. Even if they come back I'll still worry. The anxiety is horrible I'm just worried incase I'm worrying for nothing or I might need to worry.

I never knew health anxiety could get so bad. I'm probably making myself feel worse but I've been googling on my mobile phone In bed during the week in worry. :blush:

24-04-09, 16:32
Well I went to the doctors the one I seen last week was off not well. So I had another doctor she had a look at the lump and said it looks like my saliva gland and because I'm noticeably slim it's likely to stick out a little more.

She said if it gets sore, or big or hard to go back but if not it's nothing to worry about. They never did blood tests I guess I have nothing to worry about if it's just a gland and I'm slim?

19-05-09, 18:17
told u it wernt owt bad,its common ,thats wot they sed 2 me , at least it aint owt bad !! :)