View Full Version : what is it?

21-04-09, 10:59
is it because of stree or not? my doc used to say ibs but i dont really think it is that, they used to say ibs when i got the symptoms on time of month but i stopped taking my menafamic acid too see if diarreah stopped and it did even though they said it wasnt them

yesterday i woke up early hours 5am with stomach ache in middle tummy it did spread down to lower right but then when it went it moved up to like near chest bit like heartbur, bit tender back pain near middle lower back, but maybe i done too much housework, gardening?

also today ive got pain similiar but as in past on lower right abdomen, like spaspms and and growling tummy near middle belly button area

i dont weant to mention it to doc as they jsut say usual cant find anything so more likely be ibs

yesterday i had normal bowels but then bit dairreah after it but that was same time :blush:

behind my upper neck bit sore but that maybe cause i done to much gardening as that a new symptom