View Full Version : Citalopram long-term effects

21-04-09, 11:00
I have been on Citalopram for about five years now, a daily dose of 6mg Cipramil drops. It has helped me greatly in overcoming my anxiety and depression, and my GP sees no reason to stop it. I often feel dehydrated with a dry mouth, and drink quite a lot of water/juices etc. Occasionally my stomach feels quite sore and tender, especially in the mornings. I am dairy/wheat/gluten intolerant and try to stick to this diet as best I can. I drink a couple of glasses of red wine most nights and the occasional Scotch and ginger. I don't smoke.
I am wondering whether any of our members have similar symptoms to me and can give me any advice.
I am 57 years old and semi-retired.

23-04-09, 23:37
Hi Septimus! :)
I too am on citalopram and find that I often feel really dehydrated since taking them - I also know that I dont drink enough fluids - so I make myself now drink a lot more water.
I also find that for the dry mouth that I get, that having a few sweets, really helps.
I dont drink alcohol as I find it makes me feel sick whilst taking citalopram.
You say you have a couple of glasses of red wine a night - could it be this that is making your stomach feel tender in the mornings and especially if you are taking medication too? Maybe it is irritating your stomach lining?
I have not heard of cipramil drops - do they help?

24-04-09, 12:52
Hi PoppyC,
Thanks very much for the reply, and the advice. I will try to drink more water to help with the dehydration and dry mouth. Up to two litres a day, I read. I didn't have this problem before I started taking Citalopram.
You might be right about the red wine and my sore stomach - shame, as I really like it. It may also be due to anxiety, as sometimes my stomach feels like it's being held in a vice and I feel slightly out of breath. I occasionally take a Diazepam (Valium) tab and this helps me to relax.
Cipramil drops are just Citalopram in liquid form. One drop = 2mg. I take 3/4 drops a day which = 6/8 mg. The smallest tab you can get is 10mg. It is also a good way of coming off them, so I'm told.
I'm seeing the doctor next Thursday, so I'll mention all these things to him, and see what he says.