View Full Version : Tuesday 21st April

21-04-09, 14:06
Im just writing how I am feeling today as it might make me feel better hope nobody minds...

Im on week three of my Meds and since Friday I have had a headache everyday and cant shift it also ive been feeling really tired when I mean really tired I fall asleep as soon as I sit down and I just cant stop myself which is not good when I have a two year old at home.

Today I feel really fed up I think being this tired is making my anxiety alot worse and my headaches . Ive been to see my GP but he said he cant help me because im under a Psychiatrist and to call them about my meds but I just got get through to talk to anyone.

I eat well and sleep well at night and I go out with my son like normal so I dont think its depression but Ijust feel like not taking my Meds anymore (which I wont stop taking them). My legs and whole body feels tired aswell Ive had to take time of work because of it and its hard to explain to people beacuse they dont understand what GAD is they just seem to think its like everyday anxiety that everyone gets.

Wow this does make me feel a little better but still so tired :-(

21-04-09, 14:53
Glad it has helped you getting the feelings down in writing, I always used to do that on my bad days and it felt like a weight had been lifted.

I hope things start to improve for you soon.


Veronica H
21-04-09, 14:54
:bighug1:Sorry you are feeling down but three weeks is still early days. I would ring the Psychiatrist for reassurance about your meds if the side effects are becoming too much for you. Hang in there, and sound off here to people who understand.
