View Full Version : does anyone else get this

17-08-05, 15:33
hi all i was wondering if anybody like me gets panicy from something as simple as someone knocking at the door. or a family member shouting. this is all it takes to start me off i get a butterfly feeling in my stomach and throat then seconds later my heart will pound really fast or iregular. sometimes to the point where i think there is no return.

ive always had panic attacks and stuff but never this bad. they come on in thier new worse form a few weeks ago and im so scared that it will damage my heat or something cause its beating so hard and fast. i also feel like i cant breathe and start to breathe shallow which i no dont help matters.
attacks can last from anything from a minute to ........20 minutes which was the worst attack i had. my heart just would not slow down and when it did it was still doing 90 odd but not a thumping beat that i could feel as much....please can anybody help or does anybody get the same severe symptoms

17-08-05, 16:49
I wondered the same thing cuz if I'm quiet and watching TV or playing on the computer and the phone rings I get the same feeling. There are even times that I jump like it startles me. I have had attacks that seem to last a long time too but I've found if I stay busy doing something that takes me mind off of it, they get better.
Hope you feel better soon!!

17-08-05, 16:52

I know what you mean cos i am the same, it doesnt take much to start me off some days especially when the phone rings i can really jump, i find theres no set pattern to most of my panic ,my friend called round today and i felt really nervous with her ( spent the whole day with her yest and was fine).
As for the fast heart beat my doctor caught my heart going super fast last month and ordered an ecg straight away! anyway it turns out im fine he told me some people have what they call a SENSITIVE HEART and in someways it is healthy cos it gives the heart a good workout.

Now the interesting thing is when i used to do regular excersize my palpatation problem went,I keep thinking i should get back into it but dont know why i get sooooo lazy.
Hope you feel more relaxed soon .


17-08-05, 16:53
hi cheers 4 reply reasuring to know there are other people with same sort of problems

17-08-05, 16:59
funny enough i think your right about the exersize i used to have to ride about 50 miles a week on my bike and walked round bootfairs for hours. since i have stopped riding the bike and getting out things have got worse. the only problem is i think im now frightend to exersize. but i will try il start by riding the bike at night when its quieter. its so good to know there is other people out there that have similar problems. cause i was beginning to think i was the only one....

17-08-05, 17:12
Hi Leslie

My first PA was in an airport going on my hols. It hit me like a brick, symptoms were heart pounding the feeling of unable to breath, feeling very very unwell. This lasted right throughout the flight. Once I got off the plain these symptoms seemed to go but I felt strange. Everything frightend me, loud bangs, sudden movments and many more.
After I came back of my hols I had spells were I would be ok, but sometimes the phon would ring or a knock on the door or someone would shout and I would feel very scared and did not know why.:(
I could not whach horror films or even the Bill nothing that had violence in it, it frightend the life out of me.
I was still having panic attacks[^]
I was even scared of coming onto the internet for help, feard I would be like this for the rest of my life.
Then I found this site [^] I am alot better now, I have not had a PA in a long time and know high anxiaty attacks.
Please Leslie take time to read through the information Nic and Meg have put on this site. YOU ARE NOT ALONE and the special people on here will help and support you.
I don't reply much to post, although I am PA and high anxiaty free I suffer from lack of confidence and find it very very hard to reply to post.
But as eveyones says on here you must face your fears. JFDI [^]
I just wanted you to know that my symptoms were the same and it is possible with alot of hard work support and time, YOU CAN FEEL BETTER.
How long have you been suffering with PA Leslie?
Hope this helps.




17-08-05, 17:13
yeah loud noises can set me off too, there is actually a name for a phobia of loud noises but im not sure what they call it,but i did read that some where on the net. but yeah your not alone on this one.xx.


17-08-05, 17:30
ive been having panic attacks since i was 14 the first was while on holiday....... im now 22. and from about 15 to 19 they seemed to be not so bad .....then from then on id get the odd one but from about 20 started getting them a lot. although it did not affect my life. id still go out and do stuff. then from about a year ago they started to rule my life again, and ive not been able to think of anything else. and have got to be the worse ever over the last 2 or 3 weeks.

17-08-05, 18:56
Welcome Leslie

Have a good read up and start to understand your panics and anxiety. How it starts and what perpetuates it, then you can start to pull it apart and take back the control.

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

Sue K with 5
18-08-05, 02:29
I was having one this evening whilst typing - panic attacks are unpredicatable if we knew what started them we could stop them before ! there are exercies you can do during the day to eliviate a stressful event or if you know something that you find stressful is going to happen but there is no time on these things we just get them out of the blue for no reason at all - CBt can help and there is a book on how to control panic attacks

You will survive and you will beat them!! good luck

sue with 5


18-08-05, 11:24
It is less common that panic are truly, truly out of the blue unless they're chemically charged ie sugar, hormonal, caffiene.

Mostly they are as a result of a thought or image that skips through our mind. If CBT helps they are definately thought related.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

18-08-05, 22:16
im 15 and my PA s started just a couple of weeks ago. i dont want them to ever rule my life so ive decided 2 fight them away! but yeah i know what you guys mean....i get panicky when i turn on the tv and the news is on...news is depressing......and i also get scared whenim just sitting there eating b/c im afraid i may choke or something...

19-08-05, 13:59
I am new to this forum but already so much of this makes sense to me, i thought i was being ridiculous when i jumped and started feeling nervous just because my brother shouted and the phone rang.

nauseax im 16 and my pa's only started a couple of weeks ago as well.

Emma x x