View Full Version : Tingly/numb in face, lips, etc.

21-04-09, 17:43
I am just wondering if anyone gets a tingly numb feeling in their lips, face or other places on head. The last couple days, my top lip felt tingly almost numb on one side, now its the whole top lip and under my eye is the same way, almost like its hanging...my chin keeps going numb feeling and once in awhile my nose feels weird and above my eye near my eyebrow...i have been putting it off as stress, i haven't been having an anxiety attack when it happens, it just comes out of nowhere and its not only for a few minutes, its been this way for 2 days on and off but lasts quite awhile...anyone give me any ideas on this? should i call my doctor?

30-04-09, 05:47
I would have answered this post if I would have seen it sooner. Yes, I get it all the time. Numb and light tingling in my face, forehead, ears, neck. All over my body at times, and alot in the ankles and calves. I told my my dr. about it at each visit, and she always attributes it to my anxiety. I try to work on my breathing all the time, but I don't do very good at it. But breathing has a lot to do with it, and not hyperventilating. I also have neck issues, and when I get feeling this way, I get anxious about it, and my neck muscles get really tight, and that causes the numbness to get even worse. It is a chain reaction, and I know how you feel. It is frustrating. I also clench my teeth, and that makes my face sore, and eventually numb, especially in the temples and forhead. Also messes with my vision and eyes sore. Lip and mouth numbness, reading in the forums, is usually blamed on bad breathing. You are sure not alone, and I hope that you are feeling better by now.. :yesyes:

02-05-09, 20:07
I've been struggling with this too. It's a new symptom for me within the last few months. You described it well, like you feel like your face is hanging but it's not. My tongue and lips tingle at times and I feel numb all the way from my lips to my eye on one side of my face.

03-05-09, 09:56
Sometimes I get the same thing. I get what almost feels like a wave of tingling feeling that spreads across my cheek to my eyebrow, and then back down to my lips. It goes away after a couple of light waves, but my face never goes numb. I talked to my doctor about it and she said that I was simply just stressed, and I noticed it comes on a lot at times where I'm anxious or stressed about something else, rarely just on it's own.

11-05-09, 11:51
I know very well how scary this can be. I panic about heart problems and strokes, and when I get this numb upper lip I become very frigthened. I do not wish this upon anybody, but it helps to hear that I am not alone, and that this is a symptom of anxiety.

12-05-09, 21:51
Hi hun
Yes me too, i posted last year about it as it was worrying me sick and i found quite a few people suffered the same. I asked my gp and he said it was caused by anxiety too.
I get feelings of numbness but its not numb to touch if you know what i mean in my eyebrows under the eye, forehead, corner of my lip and sometimes the back of my head, back of my ears....scary, but its strange it can be in my lip one day then maybe my eye the next? wierd isnt it.
I wish it would all go away and forget where to come back too :)
Hope your feeling a little better now.

13-05-09, 11:04
Could it be an allergic reaction to a food you have been eating in the last few days? Have you eaten anything you dont consume usually?