View Full Version : Doctors today (dizziness) ashamed, embarrassed and confused?

21-04-09, 19:52
I was going into the doctors today with questions wanting answers but when I opened the doctor’s office doors, two trainee doctors were also in there.

I automatically felt ashamed and embarrassed talking about why I have come and my about my anxiety in front of the two trainee doctors and then I even bottled out asking several of the questions I wanted to, like “could it be a tumour” etc but like I said, I felt so ashamed and embarrassed that I suffer with anxiety, never felt that way before. It made me feel dirty and that I was somebody who was mad, I'm feeling shamefull as I type this.

First of all, the doctor was different with me, he did not talk friendly to me like he always does (he is like a good freind to me as well as a doctor), which I guess it was because of the two trainee doctors being present, and he was very sharp and like I said, so unfriendly towards me.

Anyway, he said your blood results are ok from two weeks ago, even though the 24/7 nurse over the weekend said fresh blood tests would need doing.

He then looked into my eyes, looked down my throat, did blood pressure and then he ended by doing some neurologist tests like tapping all my joints with a hammer, touching my face and tongue etc.

He never diagnosed vertigo or labrinthtis (the 24/7 nurse did) and said my brain is working fine so it is properly anxiety.

I was still worried, so I said can anxiety cause me to be dizzy like bending down then getting up again and he said yes, usually he would explain things to me but not this time.

He then said that I could higher my Amityptiline from 50mg to 60mg at night or take 50mg at night and 10mg in the morning, to help me through the day and I could come back in two weeks time for a chat.

I’m not sure what method is best regarding the Amityptiline as I wanted his opinion and a better explanation if anxiety is really causing this dizziness.

I'm a very shameful and confussed anxiety sufferer?


21-04-09, 20:26
Hiya Red

I'm so sorry that your GP wasn't his normal self today and made you feel the way you do, that has happened to me, only once tho. I to have a good rapport with my GP and it's not nice when they treat you differently:blush: Maybe he was ticked off having the two there, so put it down to an 'off day' for him.

As for your meds you can only go by what he's told you and only you can decide whats best for you. I was on them years ago but i can't remember what dose i took, although i remember just taking them at night.

Why don't you make an earlier appt with your GP and explain how you felt today.

Thinking of you

Trish x

House fan
21-04-09, 21:19
Hi Red

I can understand your frustration and your embarassment today, it's not easy being yourself with your GP when there is another 2 people in the room, trainee doctors or not.

He was obviously playing everything by the book, and showed little emotion towards you, and the fact that he knows only too well that you are troubled with anxiety, this would disappoint me too.

This was not a true GP consultation for you today. You felt that you couldn't speak freely, and your GP obviously felt the same. So you come out of the surgery feeling disappointed, and let down, yes?

Call the surgery first thing tomorrow and book the earliest appointment that your GP has available. I can assure you that you are not being a hindrance to him, he is your GP, someone you trust, and he is responsible for your physical and mental wellbeing. He is being well paid to look after you, and look after you he must. If you need re-assurance, never be afraid to book another appointment, or you can ask the receptionist if your GP does phone consultations, that may be enough to help you.

You have built up a good relationship with your GP, and he knows your needs, so never, ever feel that by booking another appointment, you are being silly, because I can assure you that you are not.


21-04-09, 21:41
You're so NOT being silly at all - and your GP should have asked you whether or not it was alright with you to have the trainee doctors there - you are well within your rights to say that you are not comfortable with it.

I agree with House - call your surgery and book another appointment because you have not had a proper consultation because you felt so ill at ease.

You don't have to be ashamed of anxiety. It's not like any of us would have chosen to be like this? God, if there was a pill I could take that meant I would wake up and never worry (abnormally) about my health again - I'd take it. Wouldn't you?

It's sort an illness in itself and needs to be taken seriously.... and if you're GP is a good friend as you say - he will understand.

House fan
21-04-09, 21:59
You are so right Bex, Anxiety is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. I have friends who are also in the medical profession, one is a GP, the other is a cardiologist. I know for a fact that in the GP's surgery, almost half the doctors are on either anti-anxiety or anti-depressants! Imagine that!

I also know that one of the GP's in the practice has panic attacks while consulting with patients, and has to excuse herself, and leave the room for a few minutes until she calms down.

The power of sensitized nerves have the ability to affect absolutely anyone, and no-one should EVER feel embarassed about the condition. If it can affect highly trained GP's and surgeons, it can affect anyone.

Don't ever assume that your GP is not affected by the frightening and bewildering power of sensitization!


Vanilla Sky
21-04-09, 23:19
Doesn't the doctor need to tell you that he has trainees in with him and doesn't he need your consent before you go in ?

22-04-09, 07:51
I want to go back to see him again as I'm unsure that anxiety is causing this dizziness but I'm worried to go back until two weeks time like he said and I guess the earliest I could go would be next Friday evening.

22-04-09, 07:55
Yes, your GP should certainly have asked your permission for the two trainees to sit in on your consultation. I know this because my mum's GP often seems to have trainees with him [I think it's because he'd brilliant!]. My Mum has to see him quite often becoz she has several chronic conditions poor thing and he always asks how she feels about other people being there. Almost always she doesn't mind but once she felt differently and they left immediately with no question, it was just taken for granted & Dr Robin held the consultation in private.

22-04-09, 11:01
I've always been asked if it's okay to have any trainees sit in and listen to the consultation and ive always been okay with it , ive only said no once and that was when it was getting videod and it waa female prob i was seeing the doctor about so you can imagine........but you should have been asked as every one reacts differently and i can imagine how some folks could feel even more anxious with strangers being there. But it is nothing to feel ashamed or embarrassed about, definately put another appointment on and just explain how you felt not quite at ease with the trainees being there and forgot to ask a few important questions. I'm sure he'll be fine with you as the pressure will be off him as well xx

22-04-09, 17:15
Shall I just accept that it is anxiety and no tumours are growing because I would just love to move forward etc.

I guess if symtoms got worst then I would need to go back


22-04-09, 17:20
If you can do that - then DEFINITELY do.... but just remember, with regards to the GP appointment that none of it was your fault.. You had a totally legitimate reason for being there and he should have asked about the trainees. BUt if you can move on, then brilliant - think it's the best plan if it's what you want to do.

29-04-09, 15:56
I think I will go this Thursday or Friday and will explain that I could not speak openly last time as other people were in the room and I will explain why I'm worried about these symptoms etc and I have started to get an headache with it all.

I guess it will be embarrassing going again but what is 5 mins of embarrassment if it will help me?


30-04-09, 11:23
Well, I went back to the doctors today and explained that I felt last time I went to see him, I felt that I could not talk and ask the questions, which I wanted to.

Well, he was great with me, said sorry and told me to ask away the questions, which were on my mind, which I did with ease.

Thanks for the advice,


30-04-09, 11:43
Glad it went well for you and you are more at ease with things, there's nothing like getting peace of mind such a relief, take care xx

30-04-09, 13:42
Well done - great news that he listened and said sorry! Hope you're feeling a bit better about it all...

30-04-09, 18:31
He checked me all over again, so I guess it is time to accept it as being anxiety.
