View Full Version : crazy horrifying symptoms

21-04-09, 21:38
New Symptoms I'm experiencing;

Feeling like i'm not here. Everything feels new to me again.. hearing.. seeing.. touching.. emotions.. questioning humanity and thinking these weird and crazy thoughts I never gave a krap about around until January, where I had to my first panic attack..
This month seems to be dizziness and the feeling of having to throw up; but when i get my mind off of it i dont htink of it.. and when the slightest thought comes up i just need to sit down.

I cant sleep anymore, i dont know why. Things are starting to calm down but i'm still in that ready to go mode.
I'm afraid i'm going to let my self fall under on this one because i feel so out of touch with everything. I just want it all to go away. And i'm 19
It's not like i have supportive friends cause i dont; they're all ditching me going to these prestigous colleges while i'm here.. jobless, and almost homeless.. no boyfriend.. i know it's BS stuff.. but still.. i should be out there having fun and not having to question why i can see this, or loose hours of sleep because i sweat so much do to anxiety..

Is there like any cure for this out of touch feeling? I mean.. i'm shocked that it went on for this long, and how fast time really does go by as your growing up.


21-04-09, 21:42
Welcome to derealization my friend.....their are alot of threads on this. it helps to read about it. you are not going mad, and it will pass. the more you worry about it the more it gets worse....accept it or atleast try too, i know its hard and in time it will fade , thats what ive been told. ive been suffering nearly 4 weeks with it now. no fun at all! i had my first panic attack 4 weeks ago and never lost these feelings yet.

It really does suck, sound like we are in same boat .

02-04-15, 20:38
hi i also get tight chest all the time, an pain in my neck back arms shoulders also hot flushes an shaking is this all normal with anxiety an depression?

03-04-15, 22:39
this is horrible but it is part of anxiety , i sometimes get it but i start singing and doing something to take my mind off it and it does stop it .

03-04-15, 22:42
do u get any pains aswel i get them everywhere its really frightening

03-04-15, 22:42
hi i also get tight chest all the time, an pain in my neck back arms shoulders also hot flushes an shaking is this all normal with anxiety an depression?

There literally hundreds of symptoms for anxiety and if you just sit and think back to when you have them and when they pass you realize they are harmless and cannot hurt you.

I keep saying this but i firmly believe the best way to deal with the symptoms is to focus on other things, the symptoms get worse if we keep thinking about them, like a snowball keep rolling it and it gets bigger and bigger .

03-04-15, 22:47
yer i feel the pains then i fink something is seriously wrong with me so that makes me worse! I sometimes get it for no reason which i fink is abit weird coz i don't even feel like im panicking

06-04-15, 10:37
Morning ! ive suffered derealization for past 6 months at first i was blood terrified! It was so bad ill sit in a corner scared of everything around me, questioning everything and everyone around me, its terrifying thing but it really cannot hurt you the more you accept it the quicker it seems to go away, i tried keeping my mind off it as i kept thinking about it, it would come back even worst! but to reassure you it does clear up mirtazapine what got me out of it and now stopped all anti d's i did have alot of help for propanadol and diazepam aswell, hope get out that mind state soon there is light at the end of that tunnel!!