View Full Version : Annoying choke/cough

21-04-09, 22:04
I have for many years gone through phases where then I am talking I will suddenly choke and cough and my eye and nose runs - its always on the right side and seems to be one spot in my throat on right side.

I know I have had it on and off for many years and I usually am just at point of asking Dr about it when it goes away sometimes for months at a time.

I have had it now for over a month - sometimes I only do it once a day but other days its alot.

Does anyone else get this - I have so much bothering me that its sometimes difficult to know how many things to mention to the Dr!

21-04-09, 22:15
someone else posted about this today so hunt out their post and you can compare notes!

19-05-09, 18:55
i get the choke and cough, not the rest i have had this for years now, i find i mainly get it when i either talk to fast or i suddenly feel nervous.

19-05-09, 19:41
I also get this when I'm particularly anxious (like now!!!). I have got GERD and I think its connected. Apparently, acid can splash the back of your throat which causes the choke/cough. I also become quite hoarse and have a really gravelly voice.
Damn anxiety! - if it is'nt one thing, its another.

19-05-09, 21:46
I get when sometimes I am talking suddenly feel like can't talk and breath at same time. Is this what u feel like? I get this few times a day or maybe go week with nothing.

19-05-09, 22:48
Thanks everyone - I was okay for a bit but at weekend I had to go to a 18th birthday party and the music was deafening ( showing my age) and had to shout to make myself heard if I wanted to talk to anyone and as soon as I raise my voice the cough starts and still got it - everytime I talk or drink anything cold off it goes - weird thing is its always in one spot in throat and yes I really feel as if I can't breathe at same time.