View Full Version : Driving Test soon, feeling Anxious

Deepest Blue
22-04-09, 00:57
Hi All,

I have my driving test in a few weeks time, I hope my Anxiety doesn't ruin my chances of getting a licence, I can drive very easily and I have got really comfortable with my instructor, but on the Test itself, the thought of driving with a complete stranger to whom I have never met before and who will be judging me is actually petrifying....

Thanks For Reading.

22-04-09, 03:52
Hey, i know exactly what you are going through, i just passed my test last week and i know how nerve wracking it can be. it was my third test, the first two times i completely cracked under the pressure and lost it. the third time i was still really nervous and i passed and beleive me if i can do it then anyone can. i had been learning for three years lol. just stay calm and maybe take something called rescue remedy which can help.
Good Luck!

Deepest Blue
23-04-09, 01:55
Thank you so much for your replies, they have helped me a lot. I just need to try and not think about it too much, unfortunately us deep people always think of the worst case scenario don't we !!! I hope things will work out though.

Thanks Again.

23-04-09, 03:18
Hey deepest blue, you will be fine its not that bad reallt think of it has driving your friends somewhere, when I done my test I had to people one watching me and one watching him. I was so high with adreline I talked all the way through and don't be afraid to ask them to repeat themselfs I did all the way through, even after my emergency stop I started laughing and turned to ask the one in the back was he ok, they must have thought I was mad. This was 5 years ago now the day show and tell was introduced. Be cool stay calm and talk