View Full Version : something i've noticed

22-04-09, 09:05
i've read a few threads on here now and most i've read mention going to met friends, going for a coffee, hanging out etc and its really hit home that i actually have no freinds apart from my partner. i have people at work i talk to but thats as far as it goes. one of them i'd consider a freind but she always bails at the last min (i suspect she has some anx probs too).

i feel so down today, im not at work cos i keep being sick, i don't know if its anx related or if i have a bug, but i feel like crying right now. i hav always found talking to people difficult but i always did it and have made friends as a result, but they are all so far away now!

i feel rubbish and pathetic, and like im not good enough.

22-04-09, 09:18
Ofcourse your good enough! And atleast you are trying! Anxiety problems in my little experiance soo far arnt for the faint hearted and if you let it, then you will become very isolated.

Also I (and im sure just about everyboudy else here) am quite happy to be your friends, may sound geeky i know, but lets face it , its nice to know when your feeling down you can turn on ya P.C and come hang out with ya buddys for an hour or 2. And we all know what your going through which makes it so much easier then people without anxiety who really dont understand why you cant do certain things.

Im getting so scared too that im going to loose all my friends and my girlfriend......but....if i try and i still loose them, then i cant blame myself right?

If i stay in the house and just let the anxiety win then i would be dissapointed in myself.

We are all here for you, and im would like to think ive been here a week and im already talking to people like ive known them years!

Chin up its going to be a lovely day and i hope you feel better really soon :)

22-04-09, 09:42
hi lawton,

thanks for your post. i just had a 5 min crying fit where i thought of phoning my auntie who ive not spoken to for a year - long story- for some reason i thought talking to her might help. i haven't phoned her tho, i don't think now is the right time.

im scared im going to lose my girfriend too. im scared that if she makes lots of new friends then she might leave me cos she will think we have a really boring life together cos i can't stand going to clubs cos of my anx and she will fall out of love with me, but you are right, i have to try and overcome my issues, otherwise i will be disspointed in myself.

i need to start thinking more positively about things and getting out there and remember who i used to be before i let anx take over!

22-04-09, 11:42
Thanks Tetley, i used to like clubbing before the anx kicked in but its not the be all and end all! i can adjust am sure! i going to see if there are any anx help groups in my area i can join i think that would be a major help!
thanks again for your message Tetley!