View Full Version : Jelly Legs This Morning!

22-04-09, 10:46
well after doing well on 20 mg of citralopram then having a blip feeling quite sad and not quite my usual camp self the doc has increased the dose to 30 mg which i increased by cutting up 10 mg then having 25mg at first im now on day three of the full 30 mg and im experiencing some side -effect i feel very shaky this morning and was woken up with my heart racing:blush: i feel quite shaky now sitting at my desk my legs are shaking is this normal? side -effects im guessing even after such a small increase - it says how powerful they are i guess

22-04-09, 13:51
hello hunny am 20mg and i had side of effects to start off wth heart racing, jelly legs could be bothered to do anything and excess sweating. My experince as now calm down xxx

22-04-09, 18:30
Hi Bluegirl, I shake like a leaf (aargh I hate that cliche) in the mornings due to anxiety. Or it might be the citalopram. Whatever the cause, I bloody hate it, but I don't think it's anything to worry about! :)

22-04-09, 22:15
hiya ohh i hate the mornings i find my anx is worse untill i get myself up and have some brekkie and put the telly on takes my mind off things - i hope i feel better than this morning tomoz shaky kat x

22-04-09, 23:03
I'm thinking of having "I hate mornings" branded on my forehead just in case there is anyone left in the world who doesn't know that I hate mornings. I used to LOVE mornings, they were the best part of the day, I'd set my alarm to get me up early so I could chill and read a book or watch a DVD on my own. Now I get up as late as possible!

22-04-09, 23:34
Hi Poet!
Did you take the Kalms? Did you get any side effects?

22-04-09, 23:43
Yeah Poppy, it's near the bottom of this page: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=47948&page=2

27-04-09, 00:39
Mornings are dreadful for me! Only feel ready to face the day afternoon!