View Full Version : Men: Does this happen to you? Is it normal? A "down there" thread...

22-04-09, 13:15
So I posted a few weeks ago about some urinary symptoms I've had...the usual: frequent urination, sudden urges, feelings of moisture down there, some smelly urine, etc. Well, they've gotten better, mostly, not 100%, but they're rarely a worry. Here's what's still bugging me though:

I've noticed little stains on the inside of my boxers, usually whitish, and very small, spots with a diameter of 1-2mm, or wispy trails 1mm wide and 3 or so mm long. They most often appear overnight, though every once in a while they appear during the day. I've never seen/noticed any discharge from my penis at any time, these just seem to appear.

I know that during the night, a certain part of the male anatomy has a mind of its own, but I've not had any wet dreams and this certainly isn't a full-on nocturnal emission. The spots look as though they could be semen, though. I've looked over my boxers form that past few weeks, and noticed at least a spot or two on each pair. It's definitely worse after a night in which I've engaged in sexual activity, with more numerous spots, but I know that I usually leak a little after such activity.

My question is this, though: do other men typically have spots on their boxers/underwear each morning? Is this something that's always happened and I've never noticed, or should I ask the doctor about it? And if it's normal overnight activity, what about the random times it seems to happen during the day? Seems kinda crazy to go in for spots this small, but they have been a little worry to me. I have no idea what might be causing me to "leak," but I know a urinalysis 3 weeks ago or so came back clear.

Any ideas?

22-04-09, 13:45
Hi My Friend,
When You Say Spots Do You Mean Stains? Are They Dry? Im Just Recovering From An Op So Haven't Been Induldging To Much In The Way Of Sex Or Masturbation For That Matter! But I Have Noticed That I Have Started To Produce Small Stains And Trickles Of The Same Sort Of Thing, I've Put It Down To My Innactivity Sexually, I've Been Told Its Got To Go Somewhere, Maybe Your Producing More Than Normal Or Your Not Releasing It Fast Enough, Maybe The Fact I've Been On Steroids For My Recovery May Explain The Increase In The Amount I Produce,
If There Are No Smells Or Pain I Wouldn't Worry, Be Brave And See Your Doc!!

22-04-09, 14:51
Usually dry stains by morning, but sometimes I encounter a spot that's still moist.

27-04-09, 16:08
After a weekend with no stains/spots, they're back this morning.

So I take it this perhaps isn't normal, from the lack of replies?

22-01-11, 18:18
If it doesnt hurt or smell bad (different from seamen smell) you should be fine.

22-01-11, 19:17
Did you go to the doc about the urinary problems? You've been tested for infection etc? If so, I wouldn't worry about it :)